Spent a shit ton on Amazon on a bunch of sissy/trap supplies. literally everything, wig, makeup, breast forms, lingerie...

spent a shit ton on Amazon on a bunch of sissy/trap supplies. literally everything, wig, makeup, breast forms, lingerie, heels, chastity, toys. its all starting to arrive today and I feel terrible, just kind of want to throw it all away. dubs decides my fate

You're terrible and financial decisions by the sounds of it, sounds like you'd make a perfect female already.

Slap that shit on and show us how you look buddy.

>buy something
>want to throw it away
for fuck sake man, don't waste money.
just try that shit at least once.

Throw it all away and move on.
Look yourself in the mirror and accept that this is your reality. Make your life about something other than how you look, your gender, your relationship status, and how society perceives you. Do something great with your life. Invent something, cure something, help people, find purpose.

yea no shit, at least have a lil fun

put it on
make pic
then ill decide.

can 69 count as dubs?

wear it, you little sissy

not really.

Keep them. You'll regret it if you throw it out

keep it.

Send it to me!!!!

rolling 4 full trap mode, we need some new talent

Why the fuck would you get rid of it, waste of money and would probably regret it



idk i was super excited when i ordered but now I feel confused. im afraid of the "point of no return"

then don't return ;)

ayy 77 get, now show that pic.
also keep it.

at least keep the chastity and the toys.

put it on owo
put it all on uwu


keep, dress up head to toe, don't forget to shave. post in tonight's trap thread

Mail it to me, OP

(this one not me tho)
ayy double winrar, do it OP


>keep, dress up head to toe, don't forget to shave. post in tonight's trap thread

you heard em OP

more dubs

so it's decided. at least you didn't waste your money, OP

i will make sure you deliver OP

and just like that a new trap is born

>i was super excited when i ordered
you were horny. never make purchases when horny

OP here. I guess my fate is sealed. I'll buy some nair on the way home from work

/thread for real.
Honestly I've made an amazing looking chick when I'm all dolled up and would love to look that way all the time, but I understand I don't want my life to be based off of that. Humans have such great potential and for me to throw mine away by doing that woul be a shame.

getting a boner from your own reflection is a great achievement imo

Just Kill yourself

Agreed, achievement unlocked. I did it and the grass is greener on that side because self esteem increases exponentially, but real life is brutal and viscous and if you want to make it in industry building or research, you have to have little/no weaknesses and not dedicate time to focus on your aesthetics.