What stops you from ending it all right now, right here, today?

What stops you from ending it all right now, right here, today?

Honestly, only knowing how much it would hurt my friends and family.

Watching vids of other ppl ending it

knowing hot chicks like that one exist


OP here, pretty much the same here except I don't have friends. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Drugs and alcohol. Oh and wolfenstein 2. Actually i want to see the unbreakable sequel in 2019. This is no bait. Life is shit and than you die.

Terminaly ill here. With only a few years left to live i am trying to keep my family happy.

Friedreich's Ataxia

OP here again, drugs are making me want to end it right now. Withdrawals fucking suck.

The secret is moderation. Stick with weed nigga. Beer and weed can get you much further. Cheap and reliable. More to do with your hands, less withdrawl.


Does Sup Forums hate Sup Forums?

Maybe OP should try light psychedelics. It can be a really positive experience done right.

I'm procrastinating burning in hell

Im a coward

video games, weed, my ass/pussy/hips humpable sex toy, eating good food.

Even if life sucks just do what you want until you die. Suicide is pointless

new porn?


That's a really good take on life. Shit man, I appreciate that. You changed something in me with just those few words.

i just need a gun, find me an onion link of a france/european gun traded and I would end myself


Don't really need a gun, just another source..

honestly, i've been close to it before but every time i build up the courage, the question of "what if i don't do this?" comes to my mind. just the unexpected tomorrow is enough to stray me away from suicide.

it's the only way I want to do it

Sheer apathy and understanding I'd basically find some way to fuck up everything BUT a shotgun.

I could kms a long time ago,but I wait the WW3 to kill as many people as I can and then kms with a Remy 870 or smth even better.
Nothing can stop me , because I am dead inside like 6 years and that will be my show. Can't wait