Daily reminder that Trump colluded with Putin to hack the US election

Daily reminder that Trump colluded with Putin to hack the US election

OR he larnt on the way.

so what? it's president politics shit, it doesnt actually matter to anyone who isnt in politics.

What was hacked? Evidence? What collusion happened? Evidence? Almost a year later and all you stupid fucks have is "b-b-but muh collusion" with nothing to show for it. Stay mad.


ever hear of paul manafort?

>implying politics don't affect people who aren't involved in politics
>implying treason is of no interest to the American public

Daily reminder that Jews are in charge.

Where have you been? Trump Jr openly admitting to meeting with a Russian lawyer to get dirt on Clinton. This has been known for months and months now

Why isn't he in jail then? (because it's not illegal)

What did he do that's illegal? Why isn't he in jail?

Stay mad.

politics doesnt affect anyone that isnt in politics. the president doesnt call you, your senators dont know or care who you are. go back to your life and stop being obsessed with things that dont actually matter.

>implying obtaining dirt on dirty scumbags like Cankles Clinton is treason or even illegal.

same as always

Who cares?

The rest of the world are pissing ourselves laughing at you american idiots.
Hurry up and self destruct already and stop messing up our planet with your low IQ's, filthy military and poory thought out memes.

why isnt he in jail? because he has to be tried first, which he is going to be.

the whole russian collision story was put out because they didnt think trump was going to win but now they need to stall long enough to purge the evidence of all the criminal bullshit that was going down in the obama administration ..enter the special council

Everything you do is politics, even if you don't think so. Legislation is politics, and has a direct effect on Americans, even the ones who don't care for politics and don't pay attention.

I love how people are mad at the hackers for exposing that Hillary cheated and stole the primary. She literally cheats and America is mad because somebody hacked an email. If America get some nuked we deserve it for being so dumb.

>im obsessed with shit that doesnt effect me, the post.
youre deluded.

>Why isn't he in jail

Remember watergate? That investigation took 2 years before Nixon was impeached. Trump/Russia is even bigger than watergate, and some experts say it could be up to 8 years before we piece together exactly what happened between Trump and Russia. You can't just put the President in jail, you need to have an AIR-TIGHT case against him

Not legally collusion

yes it is.

It literally has nothing to do with the contents of the emails. The fact is that Trump colluded with a foreign entity to sway the election. The actual content of the emails doesn't matter at all.

>was impeached
he wasn't. he resigned

lol I hope it takes 2 years or even more. I want it to drag out as long as possible so that the pain you faggots will feel from realizing that this "he'll be impeached any day now" pipe dream was all a big scam to soothe your sore bottoms after they got blown out last November. Stay mad.


That's not the point, the point is that investigations take time. You asked why Trump isn't in jail yet, I gave an answer. Mueller needs an AIR-TIGHT case before he takes action, and that could take up to 8 years or longer.

What if Trump paid to have someone assassinated and a Russian hacker was the only one that could prove it? Would it be treason to meet with a Russian lawyer to see if the information was legitimate? Wouldn't it be the responsible thing to do. Wouldn't the American people deserve to know?



Meeting with Russians should be an executable offence, period. There is no reason for any American to ever meet with anyone of Russian ethnicity, unless they are planning something malicious.

Let's be fair, shall we? Assange has said repeatedly that no state actors were involved in the Wikileaks. It was most likely Fancy Bear that was involved, and Fancy Bear (a private party, not a state actor) was not planting false trails, it was only extracting existing dishonesties.
The Resident Dump beat Her Reptilian Majesty in part because he has been capitalized since the 1990s by the Russian mafia.

>Assange has said repeatedly that no state actors were involved in the Wikileaks

Assange is a Kremlin puppet and anything he says is not to be trusted.

>It was most likely Fancy Bear that was involved

3 US intelligence agencies have concluded that the hackings were conducted by the Russian government, not a private entity

The only reason Hillary lost is because of Russian propaganda brainwashing conservatives in the Midwest. It's the only logical explanation

How were they brainwashed though. The information that was hacked was either real or fake. They had plenty of time to look over the information. The FBI stated that she was guilty but they had no intention of trying her for breaking security protocol. These hacks had nothing to do with Trump anyway. They were payback for the sanctions that Hilary and Obama put on the Russians. Lets face it, many people didn't like Hilary or Trump.



Economy is booming, GDP has grown, job growth is up, Black Unemployment, Lowest Level in 17 Years, Surging stock market powers U.S. wealth to $96.2 trillion, Bill allocates $1.6 billion for Trump's border wall, ICE raids targeting families net 650 arrests, DACA Renewals Drop 21%, Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump; MSM Completely Ignores, Secretary Zinke Announces Boost to Wetland, Waterfowl Conservation, Access to Public Lands Through Conservation Grants, Federal Duck Stamp Funds, Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors During Audit Of Obama HUD, the U.S. has become the world's dominant energy superpower, Report: Trump plans to cut foreign aid, merge State and USAID .....

Need I go on? I've got about 5 pages of this shit. I try to form an unbiased of each president after a couple years in office, so far Trump has been doing very well. VERY well.

lol!!!! sad!

Daily Reminder if it comes to nations and colluding we can all just say it was fucking Sup Forums's fault and put down their evil monkey space program that it is.

Again, the actual content of the hacked emails doesn't matter. All that matters is that it was leaked by a foreign government in an attempt to influence the election. So, by definition, if your vote was changed because of the hacked emails, you were brainwashed by propaganda.

Clinton was impeached lewl


You are overlooking that a fact is a fact. People are not brainwashed. They actually used the facts to make informed decisions. Something you seem to be struggling with.



careful lads

If the DNC had publicly released their own emails, it would be a different situation entirely, and people would be free to form opinions about the material.

However, the fact is that the emails were hacked and leaked by a foreign government, not released by the DNC for public consumption. That's the key difference here



1. Nothing in the DNC emails indicated "rigging" or manipulation of the electoral process
2. The DNC has a right to be angry at Russia for hacking and leaking personal emails

you're probably just a russian bot anyway

Why didn't the DNC then? They would have said the same thing as the hacked info or they would have been lies. Like I said, the FBI investigated it and found the information to be true. True is true. It doesn't matter where it comes from.


Which one of the 500 lies you spewed after eating out of Fox networks anus would you like me to tackle?









nobody cares..

>Why didn't the DNC then?

Why doesn't any privately owned entity release their emails? They're not required to, and private organizations don't typically just release thousands of internal emails.

>Like I said, the FBI investigated it and found the information to be true

Making shit up I see. When did the FBI do this investigation, and where did they say the emails are confirmed real? For all we know, Russia could have just faked most of the emails and mixed them in with some real ones for effect.



They don't have to release them that is true but if they are holding back information that proves a presidential candidate is a criminal then that says something about them. I wasn't trying to make anything up I was just commenting on the investigation that was done on her private emails. She broke security protocol by storing them the way she did. Even she admitted that. She said she didn't realize that it wasn't ok which screams incompetence on her part.

I'd you honestly believe this you're fucking brain dead.

>Assange is a Kremlin puppet
Looks like you are, son.

If you DON'T believe it, you're fucking brain dead. Hear about Donnie Jr's meeting with the Russians to get dirt on Clinton? Blatant collusion.

All presidents commit high crimes and misdemeanors. It's part of the job. Impeachment is merely an popularity contest. Or, as the British say, a no-confidence vote.


Nigga, have you seen Trump's approval? If impeachment was a popularity contest, Trump would have been out on day 1

nice dubs of truth.

yep, trump sinks more every day. his dumb attacks on gold star families (again) just makes it worse.

meanwhile republicans are fleeing from politics.

Hilary will be there first. Fucking educate youtself moron. Collusion was hers, 145 million to her foundation for Uranium 1 deal with Russia and half a mil for Bill to speak in Russia. Goddam facts must be annoying for you.

Yeah but Hillary's approval the day before election was like 92% which turned out to be false. How do you know what Trumps actual approval rating is? We all know that 90% of the media is owned by the same people who own the democrats so it's getting pointless to even look at it anymore.

What is the context of this??



But those were pro trump points you nigger
Not fox news lies
You too stupid to read or what?

Thats why he leaked 800000 highly sensitive Russia documents.
Again do not let facts get in the way of your delusions

>Yeah but Hillary's approval the day before election was like 92%

You're confusing favorability ratings with polling projection. Hillary's favorability was in the gutter; some polls had her even lower than Trump in terms of favorability on the day of the election

You're correct that some media outlets like Huffpo saw the polls that had Clinton a few points ahead of Trump on the day of the election and used them to claim that she had a 97% chance of winning. They were dead wrong

>Pro Trump
>Fox News Lies
You'll be first in line for the hangings boy.

yep the polls were mostly hovering around 55/45 with a slight lead to clinton. only idiots think that means trump had no chance of winning.

Maybe I looked at the wrong news outlets but they all had her way ahead of Trump the entire time they were campaigning. I mean, I still see these news outlets using the term immigrants instead of illegal immigrants. They still report the facts and add in an opinionated paragraph that interprets the information for the reader so that they hate our government and make fools out of all of us.

these are all nonsense, fool. keep up.

do you really really think actions of politicians wont affect your life?

honestly, is this what you believe?

can someone explain why it's ok for them to keep preaching about Trump and "russian collusion" but when we bring up dem emails, they're like "that wasn't a big deal" "stop with the...
>muh emails"

that is the dumbest goddamn thing ive ever read. and this is Sup Forums

yea thats not even close to true

>hack the US election

The mighty eagle felled by a small Facebook ad campaign.
This is what Clintonista pantie twisters really believe.

actually worse than ever

nobody ever thought about giving the keys of treasury to Goldman Sachs before the orange retard


Typical News these days:

The hurricane has brought down punishing devastation kind of like Trump when he got in office. Hey remember the woman's march is today, make sure you show up and let Trump how much you disapprove of him. Poor Immigrants are being thrown out of their homes. Remember we are all immigrants. (we can't use the term criminal or Illegal because then our stupid ass readers might catch on to our bullshit.) Now on to politics. Well, we will just leave that up to you guys let us know what you think.

>this is what watching faux news makes you believe

>tell me about it

no dumbass, impeachment doesnt mean romoval from office. it means the articles were brought up against the sitting president. he resigned AFTER he was impeached. learn what the fuck youre talking about before you post

no it isnt you retard. if you seriously spend time every day worrying about political crap then your life sucks.

ok Sherri Bleu

>implying that the 5 previous presidents and admins didn't commit treason


Idiots trying to defend an actual criminal and deterring attention from Trump to another criminal.

>muh no evidence
Junior admitted to meeting Russians

>muh fake news
Buzz words are cute. Especially from someone that has the best words.

All of you are idiots. If you think GDP growth and really any success the US is seeing is directly because of Trump, you're a fucking idiot. It takes YEARS for anything that any world leader does to be effective.

Like I said you're all dumb. It doesn't matter who is President. It's all about who has the most money to throw at them. (lobbyists.)

>President Trump

just because youre too stupid to understand how politics matter others arent so apathetic and dumb. kill yourself before to replicate.

>projecting libtard cuck drumpf

youre probably really irritating to be around, which is why youre here. calm down, cook a meal and watch the world series with a six pack, faggot.