3:09 PM Pacific Time

>3:09 PM Pacific Time
>no thread up

i shiggy

Post your otts.

All of them.

I am disappointed in all of you. You have let me down.


No otts sorry

Post your dicks.

All of them.

what about an otter dick

only goats available

Hi Para~

How are you doing today?

No, only yours, and the secret one you keep behind your knee. We're on to you...

>and the secret one you keep behind your knee
Is this why you saved this picture for some reason?

yum otters

i am having a rather boring day, what about you?

Nothing too exciting to report at the moment, however I will be working with someone on a car later so that will be a thing. But not exciting exactly.

It was the closest thing to a butt pic you'd give me.


Oh yeah.

And that picture was taken on the train. I had no other choice.

Could've always given a flash on the train.

I knew you'd say something like that.



You would've probably enjoyed it.


YOU would have.

Well duh.















kyle here why




that looks creepy, not only does the arm look like its photoshopped in from another pic but it looks a bit more realistic and detailed than the rest. its like a ghost hand from another dimension coming for your booty

really sharp fingernails, perfect for perforating the colon

No idea.

Hey Luc.








who r u baby

a not homosexual peson



dubs dont lie


fuc, ur cool

yeah, im a coolies faggot here, but no homo plox



yah bro i totally getchu no homo we all str8


im glad we understand that. so... can i suck ya dick? no homo, you know



Post your butt.



b-bu-but it's my sacred temple, my hairy nasty man butt. Mr. Wolf Snarf



i mean as long balls dont touch shlomo

also gimme ur discord i wanna have totally str8 friends to hang around


may be later? i dont think im a staight enough for now. sometimes i think... about balls



i gotta sleep tho im european guy thing

add me if u want to touch.. balls one day xystos#4063



sleep well my not homosexual friend

All butts must be posted.

good night from other eurofag

thank u frienb.. hope to see u in the future and engage in straight activities together


Where is yours?



discord is s3rfd0m




Marty in a nutshell, one of the reasons why I find the lil shit so abhorrent


totally agree

Guess i walked into that one.
Sadly not a cute boi butt.

daym nigga thats ghey
