Anyone want to hear the story of how I goofed some JROTC cuck bois?

Anyone want to hear the story of how I goofed some JROTC cuck bois?

Sure wtf not

OP you there?


Ok here we go
>be me 17 M in senior year
>our school had JROTC
>the JROTC bois all think that it makes them into full fledged army veteran bad asses
>they go around being dicks to everyone
>they tell each other "war stories about how they play paintball on the weekend
>I hate them because of how douchey they are
>most of them probably won't join up anyways so that makes them double cunts
>anyways I was sitting in class one day
>talking with my friend about vidja
>we say something about battlefield that triggers the 3 JROTC cucks
>they come over to us and start saying we don't understand "real" combat
>I tell them that they are autistic because paintball isn't real combat either

I'm here just typing sorry

>so we argue for a bit and they get so mad at me
>they say "lets settle this in the field"
>they say they want to go against me and my friends in paintball
>I tell them I want to make a bet for $500 bucks
>they think I'm joking at first but I convince them to go for it
>we agree on teams of 10 this Saturday
>JROTC cuck against me and anyone I choose
>they think that their "combat experience" will make them win against anyone
>we shake hands and I begin putting together my bois
>I get 7 of my friends from school
>now for our ace in the hole
>my cousins
>they both joined the marines and did a tour in Afghanistan
>they have actually been in fire fights
>they live about an hour away and I tell them they can split my share of the money between them if they come
>they agree

keep going...

>the day comes
>me, my friends, and my two cousins are at the field
>the JROTC bois show up
>they start talking shit saying that we should give up
>their "training" will make them win no problem
>I am holding back laughter imagining what my cousins are gonna do
>we head to our side of the field with our equipment
>my cousins have a plan
>they push up while we all sit back and cover them
>sounds good to me
>round 1 stars
>my cousins dart forward firing at the jrotc cucks
>they hit two and move to cover
>we slowly move up firing as my cousins move forward
>it gets down to only 3 left on their side
>they're all behind a pallet shitting themselves
>my cousins attack
>one jumps over and fires down onto them
>the other hits them from the right
>one of them actually threw his gun to the side and cried
>we win and head over to her our money

you good

Fucking shit my browser crashed I'm about to retype the next part sorry

this is a quality story. continue at your own pace, but continue

>they want a rematch
>I'm down
>catch is they want to switch sides
>we head over and round 2 starts
>it gets down to me, one cousin, and one of my friends
>they still have four people left
>they get my friend
>I trade with one
>my cousin takes out one
>it's now a 2v1
>my cousin is behind a wall as they move to either side of him
>one comes around and takes 8 rounds to the chest
>he's definitely out
>the other comes around screaming and spraying
>he misses every shot
>he opens his eyes and my cousin just places his gun a few inches from the guys mask and pulls the trigger
>victory bitches
>we head over to get our money again
>they say one more round all or nothing
>ok you dumb cunts


He means double or nothing?
How much $ on the line when round 3 starts

>so we agree to one more round because we're having a good time
>they want to switch sides one more time
>ok morons
>so we walk over and one of my friends says he overheard them say that they were gonna aim for the blue mask and the white mask guys
>my cousins
>me and my friend switch masks with them so that they now have a black mask and an orange mask
>round 3
>they fucking charge me and my friend and we just accept it and take 3 with us
>they think that it will be fine
>it won't
>because they stampeded to our side they are now surrounded
>one of my cousins yells "open fire!"
>the jrotc cunts are covered in paint
>on top of that they didn't fire a shot
>they all just dropped their guns and went into the fetal position
>the one who got triggered in class thinks that orange mask is me
>when everyone stands up he tries to throw a punch and yells "fuck you user"
>nigga just tried to punch a marine
>my cousin forces him to the ground
>pulls the guys mask off
>fires point blank into the guys forehead
>he cries
>the jrotc guys accept that they're a bunch of fags and give us our money
>my cousins take their money and walk over to the group of children they just slaughtered
>they tell them that they're marines and jrotc is useless and makes nothing but desk job working officers
>the jrotc guys lose it and now idolize them
>my cousins call them faggots and leave
>those guys never fucked with anyone at school ever again
>best of all they tried to get my cousins to be guest speakers to them and my cousins just said they don't give speeches to pussies

Op finally delivered, nice story 7.5/10

Tank you, I laugh about this at least once a week because of how those guys never fucked with anyone again due to how they got owned and called pussies by real service members.

>my cousins call them faggots and leave
I like this part but ?

somebody save this story

please, someone do

We never doubled it because we knew they wouldn't pay, after all they were only high school students

Fair enough

I would love to see a collage of this

its called a screencap. lurk more

Will do