My tongue was up a prostitute's ass an hour ago. AMA

My tongue was up a prostitute's ass an hour ago. AMA

What does AIDS taste like?

How can I shove my tongue up a prostitute's ass?

how did the last guy's dick taste?

do you worry about the potential std consequences

niggers tongue her anus

It's not that hard

At least tell me you tried to jew her down and get some of her drugs while you where there

how did her poop taste?

and are you german or what

Never kiss a whore, never give oral to a whore, the fuck is wrong with you user


>how did her poop taste?
OP is a faggot, he tasted the last johns dick and jizz, alongside the poop of course.

I showered with her before, so nonissue
A little, I don't plan on doing it again

Jew down yes, no drugs tho

How much does something like cost? Did you visit her or did she come over to your place?

100. her place

Which of the 40 HPV's do you have?

showers can kill aids inside the rectum now? fuck I'm ahead of the curve

>I showered with her before, so nonissue
That's not how it works. She is nothing but filth as long as there is DNA evidence of an other male on her.



a sad reality the majority of society has since forgotten.


Noice, but last time i was with a hooker i snagged 2 bags of heroin and some powdered shit i assumed was meth. Lasted a while as i dont use opiates often so i ended up getting a profit outta that one.

Dubs cant lie

Profitable hooker visit. Nice

That's not really a risk from rimming. Unless her ass is bleeding, which it wasn't. I could still get other shit though...

You nasty cunt
No question here.
You are a fucking nasty cunt

Well, yeah. Made me so hard though