Niggers & Testosterone

First off, I swear on my life that I'm not trying to troll or bait.

I have a theory on why blacks, as far as the majority goes, are so violent and so quick to attack. This goes way back. I want your opinions on a)why they are so vicious, and b) what causes it.

My theory:

>they come from africa
>africa is sun
>sun is vitamin d
>when exposed to enough vitamin D, testosterone levels skyrocket
>The higher the testosterone levels = (among other things) higher thresholds of rage, temperament, anger, fury, frustration, hatred etc.

My theory would also explain why (and please, for the love of god, forgive me, i'm not trying to be a cuck here), why (most) black males are just naturally stronger, taller etc than white males. Naturally, as in, they don't have to work to look all muscular and shit. I've seen niggers who have never seen the inside of a gym yet look like they are personal trainers.

Interested in your thoughts.


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they were bred like domesticated animals

can you explain further

teenagers can be dangerous because they dont think about consequences (as much as they should). a troubled teen could easily kill you for looking at his girlfriend (and by doing so effectively destroy his own life)

its got nothing to do with testosterone. its a lack of intelligence/underdeveloped brain. they act on their feelings

Clydesdales were bred for their massive pulling power.
donkeys were bred as protectors of the herd, pack carrying, and as a good all around work animal.
cows were bred for milk production.
blacks were bred to work.

When will they learn?

The culture they are raised in.

Slave traders essentially used eugenics to create super niggers.

im going to wager you live in the north and dont see many black people or you yourself are a black person

i have seen enough short skinny and fat black people to not think they have a athletic advantage

pro sports have been flooded by black athletes thanks to affirmative action. its the only way colleges can give out enough scholarships to black students despite being able to give them 200 bonus points on their SAT scores just for being black

>Contrary to the postulated racial difference, testosterone concentrations did not differ notably between black and white men. However, blacks had higher estradiol levels.
>Mexican-Americans had higher testosterone than whites but similar estradiol and SHBG concentrations.

Yep and they even bred tall niggers together to pick fruit out of trees and shit. Thats why they're better at monkeyball

you've seen too much tv if you think black guys are mostly mandingo giga niggas. blacks have the same amount of genetic variants as white people


Low iq


Terrible culture that let's them do whatever they want and encourages violence

Less empathy than a China man

What do you expect?

I'm on TRT so my test is likely 2 x that dindus but I'm chill AF

>blacks were bred to work

Well we did an awful job then

most blacks here are very skinny, almost skeletal, and short

This is not true for several reasons.
First, they didn't have enough time.
Secondly, blacks who have been around whites are always smarter and better behaved than blacks who have not. Granted you can't tell because it's relative within black norms -- both groups are retarded barbarians to us -- but the numbers are there. Blacks from "colonies" do better on tests than African Africans.

under supervision!

they dont create much more vitamin D through the african sunlight because their skin is dark - white skin is an evolutionary adaptation to create more vitamin D with less sunlight

Only blacks in America are strong and dumb. In africa they are regularly built but just dumb. This is because of the middle passage, also selectively bred

Its lack of IQ.

You will notice all the races that didn't have a written language are primitive and prone to violence and crime.

>I have a theory on why blacks, as far as the majority goes, are so violent and so quick to attack.
MAOA gene frequency.

giving them freedom was the mistake

Can you name 3 countries in Africa that werent colonized?

Actually Blacks have always been seen as great warriors, strong, tall and handsome since the Ancient Greeks! Dont believe me? do Some research on Memnon and the Trojan War

Western Europe didnt have a written language till it was colonized by the Romans. East Africa ( Egypt , Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia) had written languages long before Western Europe.

I did, and it was just a myth like the BBC meme

we wuz captain amerikkka

brain injury patients lash out cuz of confusion, same shit.

it's actually estrogen.

white people and black people get the same amount of vitamin d from the sun

thats why our skin is white, to get more vitamin d from less sunlight

Of Course it was a myth. The point im trying to make is that they were sought after as mercenaries and allies because of their prowess in battle. This was well known even to the Egyptians

It's not a black thing per se, those with most of the disorder are pretty white.

Brunner syndrome is a rare genetic disorder associated with a mutation in the MAOA gene. It is characterized by lower than average IQ (typically about 85), problematic impulsive behavior (such as arson, hypersexuality and violence), sleep disorders and mood swings.[1][2] It was identified in fourteen males from one family in 1993.[1][3] It has since been discovered in two additional families.[4]

Brunner Syndrome was described in 1993 by H.G. Brunner et al upon the discovery of a particular genetic defect in male members of a large Dutch family.[5] Brunner found that all of the male family members with this defect reacted aggressively when angry, fearful, or frustrated. The defect discovered was later found to be a mutation in the gene that codes for monoamine oxidase A (MAOA gene).[5] Brunner said that an "MAO-A deficiency is associated with a recognizable behavioural phenotype that included disturbed regulation of impulsive aggression".[5]

Brunner's findings have been used to argue that genetics, rather than decision-making processes, can cause criminal activity.[8] Evidence supporting the genetic defense stems from both Brunner's findings and a series of studies on mice.[9] To prove the correlation between MAO-A deficiency and aggression in courts, it is often contended that individuals cannot be held accountable for their genes, and as a result, should not be held responsible for their dispositions and resulting actions.[8][9]

The Egyptians were white and Arabic. And the Sudanese, Ethiopians and Somalians stole the concept of written language because nigggers steal things.


You all should do some research on West African Ancient weapons. Its actually pretty cool stuff. Educate yourselves. I attached a pic of a west african throwing knife

Egyptians were african.

Your right man. I was wrong all along. Egyptians are white.

Don't forget this:

Jamal can't even throw good so he jus coveres it in spikes

They North African.

North Africans = Sand Niggers.

there's a fucking gene that determines whether or not you're a violent monkey, testosterone may exacerbate it but the issue is fundamentally genetic

Wow, a knife made of nonsense
My enemies would love this

>cill af

You mean, BORING AF

same reason why you cant have happy long term reltaonships with hot women. youre boring and so meh user

Actually the arabs stole the demotic form of writing from the egyptians. The average person in Egypt couldnt read or write hieroglyphs.

This is a stupid theory. How would this explain black people in America, since they experience just as much sun exposure as anyone else in America? Exposure to vitamin D isn't transferred through generations. The pigment of one's skin AS A RESULT of CONTINUAL exposure to the sun is passed down, sure. But you're arguing that vitamin D causes testosterone spikes on a personal level, and thus you have to somehow claim that the spike in testosterone of the blacks slogging it out in the Iron Age was somehow genetically encoded and passed on to all blacks.

Black people in all cultures demonstrate the same traits. Black in all cultures experience vastly different amounts of sun exposure. Ergo, sun exposure has nothing to do with their behaviour.

I do however think you're right about black people just naturally having more testosterone than other races. I just don't think that's because of vitamin D. It's just a genetic mutation that was preserved due to its benefits in an African environment, and passed along through the race which has now proliferated throughout the world.

in fact, the first words out of my daughter's mouth were "ooga booga gibs me dem entrails"

Then why blacks from cold places were still violent? Why whites from hot countries don't have higher testosterone?

>why (most) black males are just naturally stronger, taller etc than white males.
That's not true. The new world blacks could be stronger because the slave owners bought the stronger slaves to use in their plantations.
Also, most black african nations are usually less tall than Europe. Gana has a height of 1.69 for example

Here is another one for you

pretty much this there are viloent type in every race. last week i got jumped by white trailer trash kids. but at least the didnt steal my wallet or kick my head when they knocked me out.

flip freind called the women a stupid bitch, and talked shit. if youre wondering

Egyptians where culturally Arabic.
Please do research before shit posting.

it's much more commonly found among blacks, though

lol! wheres the evidence?

What does culturally arabic even mean?

actually they were closely tied to east African culture and Central African culture. They claimed origin in the land of punt. Egyptians are Hamites (along with ethiopians and nubians) in the bible as well

No. They don't have more testosterone. They actually have more estrogen. Low IQ leads to crime.

Yeah blacks are violent and heartless!

Like who?

can not possible get more autistic then these 2 faggots

Blacks have a lack of vitamin D and too much estrogen because of their skin and other things

blacks are just violent bigger women

You're an idiot.

American nigs were bred to be strong and dumb over a very long time. They were then released into society for some reason.

There's no solid theory you can apply across all people who have melanin. Liberia is insane, Ethiopian tribes are peaceful, they're both very black.

Just stop caring, there's no point and you'll never get anything of value from hours of thought experiments.

Gen 10 v 6 - 7

The Hamites

6 The sons of Ham:

Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan.

7 The sons of Cush:

Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and Sabteka.

>The Egyptians were white and Arabic
Arabs came only after the muslim invasions, and they're still a minority, though Egypt is largely arabized today.

Whites came with greeks, persians and merchants.

The original egyptians were mostly natives and levantines

You white boys either get quiet when i come around or you just hurl racial slurs in insults. None of you have the smarts to debate me with evidence.

>American nigs were bred to be strong and dumb over a very long time

No they weren't. American slavery existed for less than 200 years. That's barely 3 generations. I'm not saying that slaves weren't selectively bred like animals, they were, but that sort of breeding takes centuries and centuries to have any real genetic impact.

good point

>culturally arabs

What did he mean by this?

>higher thresholds of rage, temperament, anger, fury, frustration, hatred etc

you mean lower thresholds.

Black people have trouble producing as much vitamin D as whites due to the melanin blocking more UVB.


Ancient egyptians were basically near east people

You don't know shit about the truth. You let jews fill your brain with lies and confusion your whole life. You can breed traits in a few generations.

New dog breeds are made by a single person:

What the fuck are you talking about?

Arab invasion.

The arab culture almost replaced the original egyptian culture, starting with religion and language

they took a different evolutionary path, if you can't use your brain to survive what's the next best thing? rapid breeding and nigging.

>why (most) black males are just naturally stronger, taller etc than white males.
Whites tend to have more upper body strength, blacks tend to be better at running both in terms of speed and endurance.

Egypt just like Greece was a mixed society. There were Blacks living in Greece and Whites living in Egypt which is why we see a wide array of Phenotypes in Egypt. Original Egyptians came from within Africa, not from the Near East however.

>Only the strongest of the tribes were enslaved and sold
>Then, the strongest of that group survived the trip across the pacific
>Then, the strongest are bought at auctions and bred to create similar slaves

It was a triple filter of literal strength and survivability over intelligence.

Now, yes. But that doesn't make Egyptians in the original pyramid sense, culturally Arab.

Literally sold their own people into slavery for nearly nothing.
what do you think white people jumped off boats and ran into the jungles of Africa to capture blacks?

>3 generations

Do you know what a generation is?

In domestic canines, sexual maturity (puberty) occurs between the ages of 6 to 12 months for both males and females

Gestation in a dog is 63 days in length

An average litter consists of about five to six puppies

Yeah, we know. That's why we made the thread.

It was defeated tribes, they do not sold their own people

not true. The christians obliterated Egyptian culture for good under the Roman empire. By then the Egyptians looks white because of the years of interbreeding with greeks and Romans. I attached a pic of roman egyptian women painted on a sarcophagus

Because of their black skin, which is better at blocking the sun, Africans living in north america suffer from chronic vitamin D deficiencies.

I should mention this is black magic to practice and the jews are actively doing it to whites

And Israelis are technically asian. what continent you are born on doesnt always determine your race

You might have had a point, but blacks have more melanin, which causes them to absorb less vitamin D through the sun's rays than a person of lighter skin color.

Low IQ is a pretty good explanation.

Low IQ = low frontal lobe executive function = poor impulse control

You also have to factor in the epidemic of fatherlessness. 85% of black children do not live in a home with their fathers. And 70% of black males in the criminal justice system come from single-parent homes.

It was ride boat up to an African port, give beads and various knick knacks to tribal leaders and take your slaves back to america.

>>Only the strongest of the tribes were enslaved and sold

I'm pretty sure it's the opposite.

Do you think slaves had to be legal to reproduce you stupid fuck? They probably had tons of rape and selection going on at a rapid rate no less than a 15 years cycle but they were constantly breeding in their traits every year.

LOL their own people. Just because they were both blacks make them their own people? So if the British enslaved Irish then they enslaved their own people?
BRILLIANT logic there young grasshopper

Run 500mg of testosterone and see if you turn groid.

protip: you won't

So tell me OP, why are mexicans violent too? Their killing blacks in California and running them out their neighborhoods.

Is it because they lack vitamin d too?

lol your confusing us with native americans. Africans and Europeans have always had contact with each other so the novelty of beads and shiny objects wouldnt appeal to the african. Actually Mali during the medieval period was well known for its abundance of Gold and the rich man in history, Mansa Musa, reigned in the region

>when exposed to enough vitamin D, testosterone levels skyrocket

Imma stop you right there. Lack of Vit D can cause low levels but there is no skyrocket with higher sun exposure than necessary.


Average IQ in the whole of Africa is 70. 70!

Stefan explains everything perfectly in this video

Learn to post, newfaggot. Learn to link posts and quote.

Yes blacks conquering other black tribes and enslaving it's members to sell off is enslaving and selling their* own people.

my thoughts are that youre literally retarded