Name my band Sup Forums

Name my band Sup Forums.

Russell brand and the pajama boys.

Russell Brand and the coke

The kissless virgins

Yay This Thread Again And The Google Image Searchers

This is my legit band bro

So what? Same fucking thread every day. Cancer is cancer. And I ain't your "bro".

Okay bro you need to chill out this is my safe space.

Maybe try Reddit. Too many assholes here.

Russel brand and the pajama coke

The Cox Hookers

3 1/2 dicks, 1 1/2 pussies

The Cancer

Gaaay...and I still ain't your "bro", bro.

Get fucked, tough guy

The beady-eyed kkkrypto kkkikes


Sure thing bro pls dont assume my sexual orientation safe space

Go fart yourself, butthole

Gay jesus and the TRANSgressors

Shut up kike

Queerwig and the bug chasers

Says the nigger

Daniel's O'Tools
Because they all look like tools
haha, get it? tools\ O'toole

Bashocaster. You know... cause telecasters

I bet you don’t even do big cums. It’s 2017 get on my level

Quadruple Penetration

My cummies are the biggest XC

Make cummies on my tummies and bendies on my tendies

Unfulfilled Gang-bang Dreams

Choking hard on those notes

4 Rapists and a Drummee

The "we fucked up our telecasters to make them look 'wicked dope dude' but their still shitty hillbilly folk and nigger blues guitars" boys