You wake up after feeling something breathe its warm, putrid breath into your nostrils...

You wake up after feeling something breathe its warm, putrid breath into your nostrils, and find THIS inches from your face.

What do you do?

Scream like a little bitch and swing my gold plated Katana at him, missing all swings

Kiss. So wonderfull lips...!

>move my mirror

how the fuck did he find my weed

looks like this faggot who lives on my street.
hes a secret spy...
also a faggot

Is that Sam Hyde?

^This wins the thread.



I had something like that happen once, Sleep Paralysis. It was some kind of black and red creature though. Face to face, I could feel warm breath. I think I panicked so hard i went unconscious again before waking back up a few minutes later.


Wake up.

Don't you fucking do that to me. Stop.

It's time to wake up, Brian.

thats Sam Hyde

uncle smittys back from the bar, you know the drill ass up face down

Roll over and let him finish my massage.

I would perform figure 8's to the face, in a self defense situation.


You've seen Inception, haven't you? I think you know what must be done.

It's my own beer breath
I firgot to brush my teeth again because I'm drunk and sad
I go back to sleep

Tell him if he wakes up the two year-old he has to stay up with her until she falls back to sleep (she'll never fall back to sleep),

I tell the nigger that he still looks black despite his bleach therapy and colored contacts.

this wins the thread


You must insert your Ethernet cable into your anus. We will re-upload your consciousness into your real body.

Stop posting this fucking image. This is the third thread I've seen it in. Also why is it getting more distorted each time?

It's not the image that's distorting, it's reality.

I drew it. It is art.

Don't do this he's trying to steal your dad's semen


Wake up.

Punch it in the neck and storm out of the room to call the cops.

am i a normie for wanting a like button on this website? cuz if there was, i'd like this shit so fuckin hard.

I love that quote.