Sup Forums is going to determine the quality of any album you post.
Post any album. After posting, look at the last number of your post number. That number is the rating of the album that you posted, on a scale of 10. For example, if you rolled a 7, then your album is a 7/10. If you roll a 0, then your album is a 10/10. 1/10 is the lowest possible rating.
Let's play a game, Sup Forums
Carter Anderson
Other urls found in this thread:
Noah Campbell
Well OP is correct anyway
Brody Brown
Owen Adams
lets do this
Benjamin Moore
haha it's funny because this is wrong
my father will guide me is a 9/10
Robert King
Joseph Walker
Oh god what a shit thread
Jace Stewart
Isaiah Morales
retarded ass thread, what are you doing?
someone might as well hijack it and make this a thread for lelandposting
Jonathan Fisher
4/10 reply