So guys. I'm pirating geostorm and within the first two minutes I'm already going wtf

So guys. I'm pirating geostorm and within the first two minutes I'm already going wtf..

Why are the satellites bombing a fucking hurricane?? I was under the impression that storms like tornadoes and hurricanes would be near impossible to dissolve with explosions short of using several hundred nukes. Can someone explain this bullshite?
Also i pirated happy death day. Good Lord the main character is a DUMB fuckng bitch.

>Inb4 Sup Forums

They're all too busy jerking off to STD.

It's... a movie, dumbass. Just go with it. Besides all of that shit is theoretical.

It's not a documentary you moron. It's fiction. Just like how we don't all live in a computer simulation and how we don' have sharknados everwhere.

Guys. I know. But still. Even n fantasy. Fucking bombs for a hurricane is absolutely retarded.

Also did y'all see happy death day? Tell me y'all don't think that mc cunt is not the stupidest bitch to have ever groundhog dayed

This movie is monumentally stupid.


C'mon guys finish jerking off so we can talk about bad movies

I pirated the new Transformers last week and it made me want to kill myself.

Yes! I dunno why I'm still watching hoping for redemption but it's only getting worse..fuck the Asian dude that escaped in his smartcar.

Ewww...stopped watching that trash after the first 3...i regret paying to see the first one in theaters. Didn't even get laid.

I think I'd rather watch the first half of Day After Tomorrow or 2012 again instead.
King Arthur knew transformers and Merlin had a cybertronian wizard staff and Shia Lebuff is descended from knights and Transformers have been here all along and also one scene in WW2, also Bumblebee is immortal without explaination.

OP should watch this instead.


This. One of my favorite movies.

Yeah I'd watch either one any day. They both have more likeable characters and just a hint of comedy.

>King arthur, bumblebee, Shia le knight.

Wow dude...that sounds absolutely horrific. Rip in peace transformers.

Okay yeah, the movie Geostorm is a pile of shit, that was easy to predict from the trailer.

I've got a better question for you user. Why the fuck is Sup Forums so flooded with porn?

It's the first time I've been here in five years wtf is this shit. There are boards dedicated to porn for a reason.

I would understand a couple threads here and there but fucking hell man.

Ehhhh. Movie is ok but not really my cup of tea.

>Transformers have been here all along
hasnt this happened a few times?

Ehehe. Yeah.. this place is over run with porn. There's just no stopping underaged normie and dedicated autists. You think ma fuckers could go literally anywhere on the web for porn but nooooo. Gotta have it all here.

how fucking new are you

>that sounds absolutely horrific
It's incredible how they keep getting worse, though at least they give the robots speaking roles in their own movies finally. In the last one the Decepticons didn't even transform, they just sorta exploded into clouds of shrapnel and came back together as a robot or a car. Also this one didn't bother to introduce the villain or her goals, at all, through the entire movie, but set up the one for the next movie.
No idea, there have always been some but it seems like the majority now.
Yes. I think they're accidentally retconning their own shit through sheer mishandling of scripts.

Yeah. Beast wars explained it better.

>So guys. I'm pirating geostorm and within the first two minutes I'm already going wtf..
I just watched the trailer. It's basically an excuse to show as much CGI destruction of as many known landmarks by as varied means as possible.

I wonder how much of the tin-foil-hat brigade are going to use this movie as proof that HAARP causes earth quakes.

Dude they did the "bring Cybertron to Earth" plot AGAIN.

>Non transforming decepticons
>No villain intro
>Bs set up for sequel

Whew. Made the right call cutting off those movies. It's so sad because i fucking love transformers..but if the movie franchise is gunna be the main thing I'm fucking out.

>It's the first time I've been here in five years
I guess I should have trimmed my response down a bit, looks like I lost you

Seriously dude I need to sift through so much garbage for legitimate threads where are the mods

Yeah man watching now it's literally 90% cgi
10% Gerard Butler acting like a cunt

Dunno what to say about your tinfoil idea. I'm sure the conspiracy theorist have better movies to use as examples tho. Cause dawg. The shit going on in this movie would make even a retard go wtf and facepalm.

>tfw I paid to see Transformers 1-3
I held out hope out of love for the franchise, but shit there's only so much you can swallow. I remember Devastator's balls being the moment hope died for me. DotM was a grim acknowledgement.


Haha. They allow all this shite. Hell I'm positive they actively contribute to those threads.

>Paid for 1-3

I'm sorry for your loss. You have my condolences

And I'm sorry for contributing to there being more of these shit-shows.

Well it's not like it wouldn't have made a difference. There's too many normie that just throw money at people like Michael bay..