Should homosexuality be banned ?

should homosexuality be banned ?




no because it weeds out weak genetics. Let them be gay and they won't bear children

Samefag bump...

No, its two people in love, if what they do behind closed doors bothers you so much, your the one with the problem user.

What they do or who they fuck literally has zero bearing on your life. If you find it immoral; dont do it?

If you think they will burn in hell; so what? You wont?

The real question is why does it bother you so much what two men or two women do?

it's banned in most countries

The fun thing about this is that gays exist because straight people are having sex and making children they don't know how to raise.

Spank your children or they'll seek spanking later in life

Only thing that should be banned is OP you fucking retard

The destiny of the west world is that frustrations get accepted as natural and peoples's beliefes offensive because. Only the really smart ones will get this i guess

Homosexuality has existed for millenia. Are you an autist?

now fuck off Faggot


Fags are a GOOD think, in that they don't compete for the attention of women. Make them feel that it is normal, and, as they won't reproduce anyway, nothing of value will be lost.

Also, between females, that's hot as hell (but we might have to pass laws making it compulsory for them to fuck dudes too: That would prevent the dykes from being cockblockers - with anything else than their throat, cervix, or colon, that is).

Read it before. It has some valid points but its based off the anons FEELINGS on the subject along with out dated psychiatric practices and opinions.

>>Nice try

Thinking that gays will die out because they aren't procreating is asinine. As you said they've existed for millenia.

The "autist" is the person who can't read.

That'd be you. To be clear.

Wow totally got me there #Triggered..

You must be new here.

Yes. It's disgusting

Eating with your mouth open should be banned too. Its disgusting and a choice.

>gets thrashed
>'you must be new'

legit comeback

Bro you understand how gays reproduce right? It is a sacred ritual involving a young boy and a Jacuzzi. I personally like gays I think we should give them legal rights so they can build lots of wealth and larger Jacuzzi.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Shows how much you know. The young boy is just the entertainment.

>>Thinks he thrashed me
>>implies homosexuality is caused by bad parenting
>>Doesnt understand its existed for millenia prior to bad parenting
>>Apes use mutual masturbation as a bonding mechanism
>>Most primates use homosexuality to bond with each other


>still thinks he matters
>focuses on bad parenting

How badly were you molested, user?

Ugly asf

fuck no

no, more women for me


>>implies i was molested for disagreeing with him

How salty are you that your "thrashing" didnt work.

Haven't you got a sibling to jerk off over or something?

No, but homsex marriage should be banned, and homsex adoption.

I don't care who is fucking who. But marrying the same sex makes no sense.

No, I enjoy my rotation of little faggot cocksuckers. Faggots are gods answer to bitches who complain about their jaw hurting

How about lesbians?

It's haram, my habibi.

I take it back, your not a newfag.

Your response is very atypical of a chantard.




Dudes fuck each other even in countries where it's punishable by death. The only people who seem into banning it are people trying to use religion and superstition to control an uneducated population like in the middle east.

>pretends he wasn't molested

That traumatic, eh?

I mean, your halfway there?

Not arguing; why does it make no sense? Surely if you love somebody and you wanted to be with them 'forever' you would want the same benefits of a married couple

>>clutching at straws user


>thinks this is a debate

Facts don't need debating. The sooner you accept the molestation as being your fault, the sooner you can heal.

If you say so user, your projecting kind of hard.


Claiming projection is a sign of denial. You're regressing again.

Also LOL

Your obsession with my supposed molestation is an atypical beta thing to do.

if you want to get pounded in the ass that's your business

Didn't say it was denial? Troll harder user

What would banning it solve?

It would almost be easier to confiscate every gun in america than to police every penis in america and make sure it never enters an asshole.

You could censor speech easier than sex.

The thing about "denial" is that you don't acknowledge it. That's what denial is. You're about to slip back so far there's no saving you a second time.

I don't know why you even give a shit. If they're happy with being gay then who the fuck cares? The world's getting overpopulated anyway.



Your trolling is weak asf...

You imply i was molested to illicit an emotional reaction based on either A: I was and get triggered OR B: I wasnt and get angry.

Using the tried and tested "umadbro" in another context to illicit an emotional response?

Troll harder shitposter.

No you faggot

My reply - Accidentally deleted your P#

>didn't actually hit "reply"

What's it like being new?

>gets mad at 'weak' trolling

lmao - reverse trolling now? How triggered are you.

You're running in circles again. You never learn.

Shitpost all you like. Your trolling is weak asf

No, the government has enough control over our lives. If someone wants to be a fag, there shouldn't be laws against it

And yet you continue to return.

If explaining what your doing makes me 'mad' then by your own "logic" your just as mad at me pointing our your weak trolling lol.

You wont "win" unless I let you. I wont let you because its funnier to watch you try really hard to win.

>trying to win
>on the internet

Kids today.

Because its funny watching you try and fail. If me responding to you is a sign of anger then surely your replies to me are a sign your losing.

Loving the pictures- adding them to give visual stimuli to represent your feelings. Just proves your losing.

Why not just call me names next? Or make fun of my mother lol.

>still going



>>still going too?

No. Next question?

>still going

I'm not against them but I'm not with them.

Unless they don't give me their shit about the over9000 gender, I'm good.

Yay I win ;)


>still going

Oh and about Traps too*
(It's gay)

>>implying that by continuing to reply im 'losing' when you stated trying to 'win' on the Internet makes me a retard?

Contradictions :D

No, you fucking moron.

>still going

No more funny pictures? Shame. Weak troll ;)

No but all fags should be purged

>still going

Now youve resorted to childishness...

You just prove my point your a weak troll

>>kids these days, amirite?

Yup :D

I win you lose. Sux2bu

This is all I have to do to keep you coming back to reply

>still going

Im making you reply to me too?
Ever think about that?

Ive also made you debase yourself to childishness LOL

it should be completely ignored..

Meaning no nobody will threaten your life but you cannot have a family, you cannot adopt and you ESPECIALLY cannot use artificial methods to get pregnant, because you're literally a flaw in the human design.

Those who would cheat to get a child through medical practice, and are homosexual, should be shot as well as their unborn / born offpsring.

We can't have mistakes running around now can't we.

No but you should be, OP.


It's more natural than some people think. Humans are not the only animals that have homosexuals. Although, two gays raising children is questionable. They are gay. They get a free pass to not have children. Why don't they just enjoy it? At the end of the day I don't give a fuck. It has no effect on me or my family. There is gay people in my family. Most of my family are Democrats so they don't give them any problem. I guess being born into a liberal family gave me a different perspective than most of these Sup Forumsfags who likely grew up in a trailer park.

A little bit

>still going

Whered you go user I was enjoying making you lose


Yay your back.

Now you're just being a sore winner.

>still going

Yusssss :D

what game me up?

Was is the blatantly posted picture with the words ''shitposting'' on it.. maybe?