How to get a virgin waifu/gf?
How to get a virgin waifu/gf?
>become muslim
>buy baby girl from muslim father
>marry fetus/baby as it comes out of vagina.
>both yous have virgin sex.
I was talking about how to find real untainted waifus.
All girls seem to be cum guzzling whores nowadays.
>I was talking about how to find real untainted waifus.
Do you like your dentist to drill his first time in your teeth aswell?
Here's a link to a study that gives me valid reasons to want a vrigin:
Enjoy reading, my dear faggot friend.
Can I be a conservative and alt-right at the same time ??
Define a bit better why do those 2 contradict?
There are no more virgin girls OP
I mean I have been called a libtard, altright, nazi, fascist, and a neo-con in the SAME thread lol
what is this shit
i remember thinking shit like this in middle/high school. don't worry, you stop placing stupid shit like this as a top priority when you grow up.
There are somewhere. They may not be common, but they do exist.
Rural areas are the best for this.
If she went to college, she's 95% chance a complete whore.
I just want a nice woman to breed.
All she needs to know is how to cook, clean and raise the damn kids, lots of them.
Give me a couple of your opinions on random things, so I can see.
No, some of us want stable families.
You can go ahead and fuck hoes, do drugs and whatever else you like to do.
lets be honest, you're extremely insecure and have little to no dating experience. the virgin wife thing is there to give you some odd sense of security with someone. if you're in your early to mid 20s and you set this as a priority for a relationship you've already failed and will soon find yourself frequently /r9k/ or /r/incels.
This. end of thread/sage
Let be honest, you will never have the privilege of uncontaminated pussy.
> What color are your children ? OOOOps of course you have none.
Yeah, yeah, insecurities, incels, you mentioned all the fun stuff in one post.
Look man, I'm not as inexperienced as you may think. Last girl O dated had 5 boyfriends before me. Let me tell you, even though 5 doesn't sound much for you libtard fuckers, she was a complete fucking skank.
I've noticed that girls that have had multiple boyfriends tend to be much more narcissistic and less compassionate.
They turn more and more into wretched whores and I have no interest in them.
Oh, I'm sorry, friend. I hope you'll enjoy your dick rate threads, loli, etc.
This thread is just not high quality enough for you.
You're a faggot.
Date nerdy and/or ugly/fat and/or conservative/religious girls.
I have a thing for smart girls with glasses, even past college I'm surprised how many of them are virgins..
Trips of truth.
This is good. Most of these girls ade not actually ugly, they just lack the confidence to present themselves in an attractive way, for whatever reason.
Either this or they are slightly ugly and make a big deal out of it and lose confidence this way.
I don't know about this one, maybe if I could encourage/inspire her to lose weight.
I used to be fat, but now I'm not anymore.
Good, but they usually pursue something that they study for, making them less likely to want to be housewives.
Also good, but my local christian community doesn't like me because I vandalised one of their churches when I was a kid. I know, pretty retarded.
>I have a thing for smart girls with glasses
Yeah, they're cute as fuck.
Problem with virgins is they really suck at sex, though
Who cares, if you're looking for a serious relationship.
You can teach her in a month to know everything you like and do it perfectly.
It's actually not complicated.
She doesn't need 50 dicks to be good, like modern "progressive" society would have you belive.
It's virtually impossible to meet her version and the u.s. modern society. Have you even seen the motherless videos? every young chick is fucking herself with hair brushes.
*to meet a virgin
Become muslim, go to some shitty land, get some wife from there. It is simple.
My mate from work actually did this shit.
Started dating some ugly fat uberchristain because he was tired of fucking whores. She wouldn't sleep with him even after a year of them being together. So he fucking married her.
Retarded probably still regrets it.
Get one while you're in highschool because once you hit 18-20, no girls your age will still be virgins, they simply don't see the point in waiting anymore, the only ones that are still virgins at that age are only virgins because they're nutcases that freak out at the idea of sex because their step dad molested them
Good thing I don't live in the US.
Lol, what is she like now?
I'm not in highschool, obviously.
There shoold be some 18-20 yo virgins, come on.
>Lol, what is she like now?
Still fat ugly and Christian.
Dude has to ask her permission to play ps4 like he's a child.
Apparently she does butt stuff now so I guess that's a redeeming aspect.
I'm firmly in the corner of taking the car for a test drive before you take it off the lot. Personally I don't care if it has a few miles on it already.
live in a country where it's legal to marry a 12 year old. literally every bitch older than 15 has taken 629481 dicks
Hey OP. I met my wife when I was 20 and she was 21. She was a virgin and she is perfect. They do exist, people here tell you to look into her but my true advise is to also look into her family and how good educated are them. When she has had a good education at home she does value stuff like her virginity without being a freak about it. I was lucky enough to have found her and I am the happiest man. You all can call me a fag or whatever but I know you are mad and hateful of the idea I did find what everyone says is impossible to find. I couldn’t imagine my wife to be fucked by any other cocks and I couldn’t stand the idea of a dick being inside her so I waited and luckily I found her :) they exist.
Well, you don't marry such a girl.
You can find a cute submissove virgin.
They are getting increasingly more rare, but they do exist.
Most of them are introverted girls with lots of insecurities.
I have a virgin gf. It's not all its cracked up to be. I always worry that she's thinking of other cock since she hasnt tried it
Not in a church.
or just
>become muslim
>blow yourself up
>fuck virgins in heaven
Can't tell if your joking but I personally plan to marry a forgiener once I'm ready. The vast majority of suitable women out there have there head shoved so far up there ass its in a new dimension. So out of touch with reality they have no idea about credit, rental history, finance management, ect...
The only thing that matters is how much she can get from the current dick inside her and how she can upgrade to dick 2.0.
OP. Do yourself a favor and focus on yourself and achievments. Creat a stable foundation for your future and marry foreign once your ready. The modern american woman is a lost cause.
unfortunately, you'll have to start dating girls younger than 10-years-old. too many people with the same thought as you have already taken the 11-15 year olds. and let's be honest... you don't want anything older than that.
Did you try fucking her correctly
this will happen. why? because people tend not to want to live their entire life being tied to another person. or because they want experiences they can call their own. or because they're a fucking human being that goes through a complex set of emotions day in day out, and may not plan on this being the end-all-be-all for the capacity of their life. I can never understand how anyone would want to date someone who is presumably such a blank slate that you basically have to teach or guide this person through every facet of life. lol you faggots don't want to date a real human being. what it sounds like is that you want a doll. that won't betray you, or leave you, or have desires beyond existing near you.
Pic related..?
>pic related
>country where you can marry a 12 yo
>doesn't have brown skin
no pic is not fucking related you retard. that's a pimped out child model from america.
>look into her family and how good educated are them
Why? The girl doean't have to be well educated.
Even vetter if she isn't, because we all know what happens in college.
>she does value stuff like her virginity
I don't care how much value she puts in it.
Even statistically speaking when it comes to marriage success, it's just important that she IS a virgin.
>I couldn’t imagine my wife to be fucked by any other cocks and I couldn’t stand the idea of a dick being inside her so I waited and luckily I found her :) they exist.
Thanks for the inspiration, really nice.
Probably not, unless you're a fucking loser.
Go to a church and find the quietest bitch in there in their late teens early 20's. If they are somewhat cute or not obese then easy gf easy life. And they will not have fucked anyone most likely because those bitches take that religion shit seriously to the point of creepy. (I talk to one, she posts jesus shit non stop on her fb)
Bad part is u have to marry or if they trust u enough you should be able to find ur way around the bases easily.
Pic unrelated, just some ho I tried to get wins from and who I no irl
it's funny what you degenerates will go through for a mind-trick that doesn't even make a difference in your life.
lol you're going to jump through all that bullshit, to possibly not even find someone you love or find attractive, but will wife them simply because they're a virgin when you meet.
No, cuckold.
We want to date actual WOMEN, not wretched whores with masculine aspirations.
A feminine woman is a HUMAN BEING too.
Because you don't recognise femininity and motherhood as something valuable or human virtues, you show how fucking retarded you are.
I've destroyed you really well. Just had to say this. Haven't destroyed a faggot this well in a couple of weeks.
>wants to date a virgin for the sole reason of dating a virgin
>I meant to say femininity and motherhood!
lol stop back pedalling. it makes you sound retarded.
>doesn't have brown skin
someone knows literally nothing about the world or its principalities
>step dad molested them
=> not virgin
I know it's mostly only brownskins and spaniards that marry off their children that young. the rest of the civilized world allows their women to choose who they want to marry.
Don't even try, friendo.
Read earlier posts to find reasons, it's not about virginity for virginity's sake.
I've rekt you so well, you can go and cry now.
After that you can call your bull to please your gf or something.
Met mine on myspace in 2006
>it's not about virginity for virginity's sake.
no, I understand it's about control and having reign over somebody's life. you basically want someone without a past or any life experiences, except for those they created with and around you. it's more about narcissism and egocentrism.
not the guy you were replying to but the word you were looking for there was "egotism". instead you made one up and now you look like a jackass.
Lmfao in this day and age kids lose their virginity around 15-16, good luck you creepy bastard
So fucking true
Dude, there are still state laws and loopholes in the fucking U.S. that legally allow you to marry children and people actually do it. more than 200,000 in the last 15 years alone.
like i said:
>knows literally nothing of the world or its principalities
Allright, I'll explain it to you in a friendlier manner.
Look, studies and my personal observations have shown that women (and men) that have had less partners tend to have most successful relationships.
I know multiple couples who have never had anyone else and they are doing surprisingly good. Like really good, you wouldn't expect them to love each other that much and to get along that well.
>it's about control and having reign over somebody's life
Let me finish this off with an example from my family:
My mom and her sister are very different when it comes to this.
My mom has only ever dated or had sex with my dad. They are doing really well and she's faightful, he trusts her, never doubted or manipulated her.
My aunt on the other hand has had probably around 50 sexual partners and 15ish boyfriends.
She married in mid thirties.
She actually married a dominant alpha-type guy.
So, what's the problem?
The problem is that he doesn't trust her and controls her strictly.
She resents him strongly for this.
He doesn't even let her drive his car or go out when she wants. It's crazy.
She has talked to me about how she could've flund a better man and shit like that, about how other guys would treat her better.
The point is, when you've had one partner, it feels special, you form a deep conmection to them and most importantly, you can trust them and they don't even think about replacing you or cheating on you.
When you're someone's only one, even the stats are overwhelmingly on your side.
Divorce rates are getting ridiculous nowadays, for this and some other reasons too.
So im having a crush on a christian girl atm
And like, i dont belive im gonna end up with her. But still iv heard about her Christain values and it got me wondering how much of that I can put up with.
No sex
No living together
No sleeping in the same bed
before marriage ofc.
And out of those 3 things. I dont think i could deal with the last.
I would miss the physical bond one share at night
Why would you want a virgin? They don't know how to please a man. And no matter how good you are eventuallyshe will get curios and go after other dicks.
Find a woman who has experience. She will choose you and never stray.
Load of shit.
>I'm not in highschool, obviously
Guess you're fucked then, hope you don't mind second hand goods
When I say molest I mean touched up and rape probably would have happened had authorities not intervened, idk I'm not an expert
i married one
Even though uncommon, they do exist.
Why are you so negative?
virgins are OK in the sense that usually they are STD-free. Suck at sex, though. You gotta be good in bed to train her and mold to your personal needs, it will take time.
Go to china. Many women there are virgins before 23years, according to data.
I once met a virgin female
(though I am reluctant to call it a "girl").
>Go to china. Many women there are virgins before 23years, according to data.
Well, that's interesting. I will consider sokething like this if I fail in my home country, Croatia.
We have way more virgins than America, but still not much.
Thanks for sharing that, bud. We're truly enriched now.
Why ffs would want that?
A clean and faightful girl to marry and have kids with.
But yeah but why virgin? She is inexperienced, and probably mentally ill? She doesn't even know to give blowjob properly.
*not a whore
Yeah, this is a big problem nowadays, non-whores really suck.
Be in high school or lame in College
>And out of those 3 things. I dont think i could deal with the last.
Really, that's the problem that's bothering you?
I like virgins, but I would expect to have sex with them after a while, bot waiting for marriage.
Then again, you cam be together for like 6 months and then get married, if you're getting along really well.
Met my gf in a rural state. She's not overly religious or anything but she's quiet as hell and due to a combo of that, being homeschooled, and having just enough of a lack of self-confidence, I was not only her first relationship but also her first sexually. She's kinda like the one user listed earlier: not the best looking, but still cute to me; kinda chubby, but nothing over the line and she's my body type anyway, and religious but not devout.
They do exist, but take warning, as my current gf isn't the first I've had that was a virgin: If you're not 110% sure of the girls' mental state and not 110% trustworthy in her, being her first can create a raging shitstorm for you; I learned this from my previous ex. Especially if they're the romantic type, being their first can create this huge dependency and bond for them that can drive them to do insane things. Trying to get pregnant to keep you around is not out of the question.
For me I found a nice beautiful orthodox girl. I'm juden inb4 jew jokes and nazi reactions. Leaving my old life behind and getting closer to g_d has really helped me and I was blessed with a beautiful virgin. Not like the other hoes I had to deal with. Don't ask why I still browse here old habits die hard. Still got tattoos and shit going to remove them when I save up. Half way saved up to remove them a guy at my shul is giving me a good deal on it too :^)
>She's kinda like the one user listed earlier: not the best looking, but still cute to me
Yeah, that's lretty good.
That is an advantage for me when it comes to searching for virgins.
I find cuteness in girls that others may even consider ugly.
It doesn't matter what society says, what kid of girls are in porn or commercials, I like what I like and some of these girls have low self-esteem.
>Especially if they're the romantic type, being their first can create this huge dependency and bond for them that can drive them to do insane things.
Like what? Can you list a few examples?
I don't see what's the point of this, if I do like the girl. If I'm not sure if she's wife material, then it can be a problem.
>Trying to get pregnant to keep you around is not out of the question.
That sounds whacky, but still, at least she's a faightful girl.
>#1 get off 4chins
figure the rest yourself
>Problem with virgins is they really suck at sex, though
agreed, but then corrupting a naive virgin and turning her into a cock hungry slut is the best thing ever.
But then you get bored of her and need to find yourself a new naive qt.
I bet I'm not the only one.
At my age through finding naive (or even virginal qts) is getting creepier and harder.
That woman is no virgin.
There's a line where faithfulness becomes obsession. Sure, my ex would probably not so much have touched another man while with me, but her personality and mannerisms rubbed me the wrong way as is (she just wasn't a good fit for me in general) and when she started to feel me subconsciously reacting to that and distancing myself, she kinda went bonkers and tried to keep me in a stranglehold. Verbal abuse, blackmail, and threats of slander were not uncommon when I tried to get away from her. She'd get super angry and crazy any time plans changed involving her or anything like that. The whole situation just descended into madness, really.
Was kind of surprising to me, because usually there are glaring red flags to warn about behavior like that (bad family situations, compulsive lying, etc.) but she didn't honestly have many aside from a few minor (at the time of fist meeting her) personality faults, that pretty much anyone else could have too.
She's definitely a rare case, but the possibility for such behavior does exist.
Surprisingly enough, this is pretty good advice.
Oh, I see now.
Thanks for sharing that.
There sure are some weird cases, but generally, they should be fine.
You're fucking scum.
I know.
But it's soooo good.
And only 2 of my relationships ended on bad terms. Rest was under mutual agreement so to say, even friendly.
But I am scum.
Even though you are scum, I kinda like you.
It's because we're somewhat similar.
I too am not afraid to admit the truth and still do the thing that "I'm not supposed to".
Honesty is refreshing.
That's kinda what Sup Forums used to be
shitposting, trolling and truth.
Now it's just traps, scat and shilling
It's what Sup Forums is, anyway.
I think that those "shills" are actually just pathetic baiters who don't get the point.
The only reason their threads can survive is because of the large influx of newfags who haven't seen it a 1000 times.
have you ever asked yourself if sluts are any good at sex, why would they not be able to keep a guy and go through so many of them?
Because they, just like us get bored and want new dick