18+ celeb thread (and G is 18).
18+ celeb thread (and G is 18)
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There hasn't be a thread in a while. Now, where are you Jenna you haughty girl?
I'll never have perfect G.
well baby doll ari has a bunch
of savages who want to eat
her bum hole without a napkin
tiny teetering from the neck hole
of their top!
Is that you Weinstein?
I hate you niggers
Look into my eyes and see my pain
M-My m-mistress V-Victoria Justice i-is a-a-a very beautiful w-w-woman and I-I'm s-s-s-such a lucky m-man t-t-to possess h-her... I-I hate t-t-to s-see the o-ordinary m-men b-by the m-millions s-s-suffer.. T-They w-w-will n-never know what i-i-it i-is l-like... sniff cough cough wheeze...