I started to dive into the world of drugs i'd say about a year ago. Only smoked weed at this point but might try other shit.
Anyway, had this weird fucking feeling when i close my eyes and im really stoned. It feels like i was falling down a huge roller coster or shot from a slingshot... I can't close my eyes for more than 30 seconds beacuse the feeling just gets too overwhelming, and i can't keep my eyes closed beacuse of the fear and when i do open them i feel like i've just been throught a huge drop from some crazy roller coaster.
The feeling is weird and talked about it to my friends, but they just wonder wtf im talking about and brush it off. It's happened to me a couple of times and i wanned to know if any of y'all fuckers had the same experience and if so do you think it's just some mild psychedelic feeling or something like that??
Daniel Bennett
Dumb shit. I hope you OD.
Ayden Butler
i get that all the time, its a fun little trip out feeling roll with it and enjoy the shit OP
Adrian Lee
Smoke more to feel better. It works.
Zachary Edwards
mods ban this minor thx
Isaiah Ward
You sound like you're about 12 so maybe just quit while you're ahead dude. Also this feeling you're getting sounds like some psycho somatic stress response
Mason Garcia
Actualy do enjoy it, gonna try to push it harder if i can.
I enjoy the fucked up feeling, just don't know why it's happening.
Might be more sencitive to the shit. Only explanation i've got online.
Jeremiah Young
Yeah I know what it is. You're high as fuck, dumbass.
Jace Roberts
>Mfw 12
>Mfw smoke dank
>Mfw post my experiance on 5chong
>Mfw normie actualy fucking trash this already shitty website by thinking that posting edgy shit is gonna make them look cool.