Right-Wingers Pledge to Carry Guns to Bathroom to Fend Off Trans Folks

Sup Forums will defend this


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I don't see anything wrong with this.

What are you doing Sadiq?

As long as it's self-defense.


Stupid Americans, don't they know that you're supposed to let strangers rape your daughters?

>Sup Forums will defend this

Yes we will.
Fuck trans. They need to show some fucking respect and stop trying to wave their dicks around on the womens restroom.

So they'll be killing men that are now women and women that are now men? (We all know they're not what they desire to be)

You act like this isn't for self-defense faggot OP. They aren't going into bathrooms massacring people.


>Man in a dress tries to rape you
>Liberals believe you don't have the right to defend yourself

The only people who care that you're armed are the ones that plan to attack you.

We've been able to do this since forever.

concealed carry is nothing new

What's the problem you fucking pussy?

Fucking who? Who pledged this? Some random dude on Facebook?

>They need to show some fucking respect and stop trying to wave their dicks around on the womens restroom.

What kind of washrooms do you go into where people wave their dicks around in the first place?

You must frequent a lot of gay bars

> a leaf

Canadian bantz used to be worth something, but since Trudeau, it's like you got cucked so hard that all you can do is try and fail every time.

Has he destroyed your psyche that much in a year?

Im far right wing and i never pledged such a thing



> folks

quite being a retard

I'm Norwegian, idiot. I've been in Canada for 2 weeks

I understand Americans are too fat to fit in airplane chairs, but some of us do travel.

How is 'folks' retarded when the President of the United States of America uses the word often? A man with the highest IQ of any serving President to have ever been in the White House, I might add. Check mate.


>Be butch looking woman
>Go to the shitter
>Get shot

It's only a matter of time

>the advocate

are we supposed to take off our guns and leave them outside??

>butthurt because you adopted nigger culture and slang
you should honestly feel bad about yourself

I mean come on, its 2016! Trans people should be allowed to piss on whoever they want to.

>A man with the highest IQ of any serving President to have ever been in the White House, I might add. Check mate.

5. James Madison
4. Bill Clinton
3. JFK
2. Thomas Jefferson
1. John Adams

Obama isn't in the top 15 according to that list.
Check mate.

I know arabic is your native tongue, but you should know that "fend off" means "make go away". You're damn right I'll defend that.

Self defense is a human right

>Woman goes into bathroom
>Some creepy guy in a dress hiding in a stall tries to rape her
>She shoots him
I can't wait. Leftists won't know who to blame.

Nothing wrong here

I hear Target is actually installing urinals in womens restrooms now.

it's like they want a reason for their guns to get taken away

nice boobies


doesn't matter desu
>blame women
>women shift more right as a result
>being a true woman becomes a virtue
>traditional gf's become more of a thing

>blame trannys
>trannys are vilified as they should be
>possible day of the rope for transgender degenerate scum?
there isn't a way in which the straight white male doesn't win

>which shitter people shit in
>no.1 political issue

ITT shit thats already happened and been happening.

I think Hillary needs to win.

She'll flood America with Muslims. But Americans won't sit by and let """"""""""refugees"""""""""" rape their women and kids.

We'll start another revolution, and we'll inspire Europe to do the same. Just like we did in 1776.

who is this ejaculate advocate?

nor I, canukbro


What is this, the UK now?

Life is more complicated when you don't have the queen's hate speech laws to guide you lad