Can someone explain to me what 8 chan is?
Is it just an edgyer version of Sup Forums?
Can someone explain to me what 8 chan is?
Jason Morgan
Ryder Brown
Owen Adams
Elijah Bailey
That was fast.
Parker Parker
i don't think it's edgier. i got banned for saying that donald trump is pro-israel at 8/pol/
Brayden Nguyen
Fuck you want
Eli Morgan
Site that gained some prominence when that GamerGate shit went down. Also used to host a bunch of boards that had CP on it that wasn't taken down for the longest time. Site eventually degraded into an alt-right circlejerk the last time I saw it though.
Daniel Turner
Yet they have /leftypol/, such as it is, and this here Cambodian fly fishing enthusiasts' forum does not.
Logan Turner
thank god
Cooper Nelson
They have boards for practically any subject, you can make your own board and call it whatever. There was one that was literally called /sexydeadchildren/