Can all the arguments for gay marriage used for marry your own sister/mother/father/cousin?

Can all the arguments for gay marriage used for marry your own sister/mother/father/cousin?

Love is love...

love is love, but the law is the law?


law is homos is not allowed to get married

on the first three, no the inherent power imbalance in the relationship prevents legal consent from being given

on cousins, fair chunks of the world already allow first cousin marriage, and everywhere but Iceland, permits second cousin marriage

(Iceland has flirted with the idea of even more draconian marriage/reproduction restrictions than that to reduce the very real risks and problems with pedigree collapse they face)

This 'law' argument is shaky.
It was against the law before, but now it isnt.
So its okay.
Similar thing with slavery,
Is there no discussion of lines? Just what law states ?

Commonwealther here

Can we all just appreciate how fucking gorgeous the queen mother used to be?

but im talking about incest tho

just a pity the next attractive person is now 16th in line to the throne

that's not the queen's mother. it is the Queen

Lets say through some weird fuckery,
Incest is allowed under law.
It would be alright? Because law is law?

I quite honestly see no reason why not, as long as both parties are adults.

we've already got courts letting weirdos marry their cars, trees, the ocean, the planet. gay marriage just opened the door to it all. thanks obama

nowhere sane is willing to risk legalising direct blood reproduction (and thus banning any marriage within a degree of separation) after the monumental genetic trainwreck the Spanish Hapsburgs fucked themselves into

i'm gonna need you to calm down.

Its a hypothetical situation,
A what if scenario.
Just consider that it was somehow allowed,

It would be alright? Because law is law?

you do realise that it is perfectly legal to buy child brides in the US, does that make That "right"

This. But I personally would extend marriage to include polygamy. If we argue with "love is love" then those people should be included too

Thats exactly my point,
there has to be a line.
Just because a thing is allowed under law doesnt mean its right and vice versa.

Technically dont homo argue 'Its gene's we were born this way, Not a choice, not in our control etc etc'

There is a difference between sex and creating a deformed baby. The law should only focus on blood testing for the potential incompatibility. Contrary to popular belief the birth defect rate is quite low and can be detected via a blood test. If two people are mature and understand what is being done it is no business of others to tell them what they can and cannot do. If a fucked up baby is born then it becomes a form of torture for the baby and a weight on scociety. This risk can be easily mitigated via a simple blood test. Cristians are the fucking idiots getting into people’s business. What about the myth of Adam and rave and their kids? Did they go to jail for incest?

a few places have allowed 3+ person civil unions

(but not "marriages" as the God Squad believe that their ceremony shit trumps the Legal bits, and it's easier to just work around them)

OP here.. when is a hug ...sexual when is touching sexual.....?

when somebody gropes/grabs you when is it sexual?

Depends on the intent,
Or how it was perceived by the other person.

You could be hugging, she could interpret it as a SEXUAL ASSAULT WHILE HIS WIFE WAS IN THE ROOM.
And sue you