What's the worst genre other than metal?
What's the worst genre other than metal?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fun fact: metal is the best genre
What are some /metal/ approved RYM profiles?
Whatever you think is the best genre, probably
Sup Forumscore
Anything involving, swing music, bronies, steampunk and furry.
Metal is for posers only. There is no substance to be found in metal. Christgau hates metal and he knows more about music than you.
jesus fucking Christ how people can genuinely listen to this shit blows my mind. It's not even about "muh tastes are better than urs" it's just fucking disgusting fuck. I saw steel pulse and the wailers with my Jamaican friend years ago and I still contemplate sudoku over it
Hip hop
Hip Hop has more acclaimed albums in the 90s alone than metal does in its entire lifespan. Metal is a joke, nobody takes metal seriously.
This and ska.
The absolute state of this board
jamaican people, eh, they just use it to get high. it's tradition. but there is a special place in hell for non-jamaicans who actively listen to ska/reggae
Sounds like the rambling of an autist who watches anime.
Acclaim doesn't mean that it's good. I bet you browse p4k and fantano the whole day.
Hip hop is objectively awful. The worst of all black genres, equal to reggae which it basically is, just made in America.
I've only liked that sounds like this
All guitar music post-1960 is bad.
What? Was that meant to prove something?
Just filter posts with the word "objectively" in it, they're all shit anyway.
All post 1915 music as a whole is mediocre
jesus christ I hope you are trolling, great bait mate I fell for that shit hard
Ironic coming from a tripfag
basically anything recorded with modern technology defeats the purpose of art. Art was always meant to be passed down and interpreted by the next generation but never meant to become permanent and sterile
reggae has led to good things. metal hasn't
dude weed lmao
I'm listening to Cradle right now.
Sue me.
Shit band desu. Metalcore isn't a valid genre
Neither is anything -core.
hiphop/rap aka nigger shit.
>hiphop/rap aka nigger shit.
Why the racism?
if there's anyone on this board who genuinely doesn't listen to pop music, i'd be impressed