Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?






no. no one has to prove he doesnt exist, someone just has to prove that he does exist. #fuqthepoleec #str8intocompton

Yes, not religious, but God is there.

Do you believe in a flying spaghetti monster?


No. It is impossible for something with the biblical definition of god to exist. Omnipotence is an irrational idea and completely impossible.

r u a gay?

Oh fuck off you self important retard. Who said anything about proof?

believing in something with no proof and facts against it

> Omnipotence is an irrational idea and completely impossible.
You have a very very small mind and you live in a very very big universe. Have you ever noticed either of those things? Start with one, if considering both at the same time is too much for you.

since there is no proof (literally everything with religious roots can be proven with science), believing in god is no more or less the same as believing in santa claus. #suckmytoes #waffleirons

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>facts against it
Now you're trying to make me laugh, like my 5 year old does with chocolate on her face. It's cute. Facts, ha ha, yes.

Not the way the church see it though

Yeah but I'm not die hard Christian I do believe there a god out there

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Was atheist for years and I belive now, only silly children think they know it all and say otherwise.

Omnipotence is All-Power. Here is a question that destroys the idea of omnipotence;

Can god create an object so heavy, that not even he can move it?


Because God cannot possibly be a “creator” of the Universe (space and matter).

1) Space is nothing; has no borders, boundaries or edges. Space is a concept invented by man. As such, space is impossible to create. Not even an all-powerful magical God can create space!

2) Matter has shape and is impossible to create from nothing. What sense does it make to say that “nothing”, which lacks shape, suddenly acquired shape in ZERO TIME; i.e. in one frame of the Universal Movie? Objects can only be ASSEMBLED from pre-existing matter. Matter is eternal….cannot be created or destroyed. Not even God can morph “nothing” into an object with shape.

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>Edgy lord

atheists are indeed silly children

Nah, im a jew i belive in money.

OP knew this would happen.

Which god?

No, because I'm not a drooling retard.

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why do you believe in god now, did she give something to you? if there was only one god, why are there different religions? they can't all be right,but they can certainly all be wrong.

Oy vey

No, now fuck off.

Checked the devil is a jew


yea if believing in fake news from 2000 years ago makes you a serious adult

Of course I do

Catholics or gtfo

>literally everything with religious roots can be proven with science
Could you provide references for the science behind transcendental or 'peak' experience? The nature of consciousness when it identifies with the divine? The experience of union in a wide range of literature?

If you bleat about the temporal lobe or oxytocin I swear I'm going to find you and stick my science qualifications down your fucking throat, you cretin.

it's funny that people will blindly believe that god is real, when in ancient greek times, they believed in what we now so eagerly call "Greek MYTHOLOGY"

god is not she dipthong

Shalom brother


Have you ever listened to monkeys chatter? It means something to them, too.

Catholicism is heresy, so much bullshit in that religion. Protestant or gtfo

temporal lobe... oxycotin

look out guies its phill nye the even less science guy. phill phill phill phill. phill nye knows nothing about sci

Have fun perverting the Truth of the Lord's word, protestant bastard

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit


you must not even science

your good works are like filthy rags in the eyes of god, catholic scum

And you can be sure that those ancient Greeks were just as grimly certain that their gods were the real deal as modern christfags are that their magic faggot is the real deal.

Reliotards. Derping it up for thousands of years.

nice grammar fucko

dubs preach the truf. he knows nothing about science

our true god

God is a concept


Praise kek

God is real

We are the true Church. The true children of Christ.

Which one?

thanks bru. sorry for bad grandma am asian

no they were probably smart enough to know that all religions are just intricate stories to help people cope with their inevitable death

noot noot

no, god is obviously not real.

Yeah I'm edgy as fuck, what of it?


i just cut myself faggit

God doesn't like good deeds in your version of the fairy tale? Or am I misreading that?

That's pretty edgy.

so you've seen her to know that for sure?

Trying to prove God exists is silly. Reminds me of Flatland.

The world is just a big jerk off pile- ancient Christianity is the only thing that makes sense to me. Shrug off the passions, be still, and seek truth.

inb4 “im an atheist debate me”

If they were smart enough to work that out they would be atheists.

It’s the derp which is at the root of faith.

good works don't mean shit, christ's sacrifice covered everything, you don't need to do anything to get saved

the saddest part about religion is the fact that many people will devote their entire lives to it. I can only imagine the disappointment they can't feel when they die and your consciousness is the exact same as before you were born... nonexistent

Proof that God exists. When I was a kid 40 years ago, I had a major fetish for Asian women. Back then, there were no Asian women with big breasts. None. Did. Not. Happen. Now, when I'm too old to snag me a tasty Chinese teen fucktoy, they have big breasts. Explain me that, atheists.
>God has a sense of humour.

>The universe is not eternal, 2nd(?) Law of thermodynamics proves that
>therefore Universe has a begining
>Everything with a begining has a cause or creation

Big bangers are trying to work logic around it involving the current expanding and collapsing universe theory with a quantum singularity, but the current big bang theory is not that solid with certain observations.


you dont know that they weren't atheists just the same that i dont know they were, im just saying any person with a brain can see it's all just stories taken way too far just so people can have "solace" aka delusion

oh fuck... hes right. chalkm8

You have seen nothing, you know nothing. You will, one day. Until then, STFU you miserable wanker.

i can read the space between your teeth in that post

you say that as if all religion isn't just speculation and can all be backed up with proof

Yes, but atheists and religiousfags alike can fuck off with the existence debate. The fact of the matter is there is not a conceivable way to prove or completely disprove a higher power. On a similar topic, trying to rationalize existence and living is absurd and nihilists and existentialists are both faggota.

The burden of proof ....

why do we (as humans) even talk about this shit over and over again?
It's like "how likes red more over blue?"


>Can god create an object so heavy, that not even he can move it?

I'm not a christian myself, but this is where stuff gets complicated. The christian god is not bound to your earthly "either one or the other" thinking.

That god is so powerful, omnipresent and everything, that he can and can not move the object at the same time.
SOunds impossible for a human mind to grasp, but you would probably explode if you were to witness even a small fraction of gods power.

>Space is nothing
>Space is a concept invented by man
This is wrong AND contradictory.
Just the simple fact that we have a name for space ("Space", for all the brainlets out there) means that it isn't nothing. As soon as we give something a name, that something exists. Maybe just as an abstract concept, but it does. Hence it can't be nothing, or else all will be nothing.
And besides that, "Space" is a term we use commonly for a bundle of stuff. Stars, black holes, dark matter, dark energy, nebulae, all that is "Space".
You refer to your pc as a "Computer", although it's a bunch of silicone boards, wires and some weirdly shaped metal.

>Matter is eternal….cannot be created or destroyed.
According to the general relativity energy equals matter and something.
This actually means that energy can theoretically be converted into matter, and vice versa.
One time (back in 19xx, when they were testing nuclear arsenal in the pacific ocean) they recovered the matter from some of those tests. There was no doubt that nothing was missing, and still, the parts were a few grams lighter than before the detonation.
That means that those few missing grams got converted into energy, resulting in that nuclear boom.

>Not even God can...
Let's assume that god is an omnipotent one, like the bible says he is. Then it doesn't matter what you think he doesn't can, or what he shouldn't be able to do according to laws of nature. God gives a flying fuck about your "you can't"

No, I did for a bit until I realized I was only holding onto my faith in hopes of a destiny and an afterlife. Because the thought of having no real reason to be alive other than to carry on my genepool then stop existing once I die is terrifying to me. But I've never had any proof that God exists, and I can't run on blind faith just because it makes me feel good. I wish there was a God though, it would be less depressing. :(

Now all you need to do is to identify which one of the gaggle of creator gods did it, tell us how you identified that particular god as being responsible, then define that god, then provide evidence for its existence and then explain the origin of your creator god.

evidently i've seen more than you because i've seen how incredibly humiliating it is to believe in god when there is absolutely no substantiation that he exists, it's honestly like being 5 and believing in the tooth fairy, then again, we had reason to believe the tooth fairy because at least we got money under our pillows. "god" has done nothing

This user gets it. It's why I posted earlier about monkeys chattering.

>implying you can actually be certain of existence after death
Not trying to post-hoc here we have no definitive way of knowing either trying to assert either is pointless.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

*not trying to appeal to ignorance

You either know it, or you don't. I'm not the world's greatest mystic but I know that god is there. And is love. Sometimes it just takes a little effort or humility (not my strong suit) to reach out and have a chat. Or an experience of being loved, supported.

i might be misunderstanding you here but i'm arguing there is no life after death. Try to remember anything before you were born, you can't. Tell me why it makes any sense to believe it isnt the same exact thing after life

I've seen it. The before, and the after.

you dont have to believe that there is something all powerful to have love and support. I mean this in the most rational way. WE decide what happens in OUR life, there is no one controlling anything

Those are simply unobservable theories, and quite irrational at that. Big bangers are just as religious as the rest, they just don't want to admit it. Krauss, Hawkings, Greene etc. are their gods.

The universe was always here, and will always be here in some form.