39 year old massive alcoholic here anons

39 year old massive alcoholic here anons.
Not pic related but getting there
>be me
>be trying to quit
>Feel withdrawals already kicking in
(It's only been about 14 hours since my last drink)
>have close to 80 coding pills to hopefully help
>needing to stay strong but every minute is torture and just wanting to drink to escape
>have a job interview tomorrow, and scared I'll be a wreck for it (exactly 23 hours time)
Any other anons here manage to make it?
How long were your withdrawals? How bad? How long sober? What improvements in your life have you noticed, other than the obvious?
Mentally how hard was it?
How much did your mental state improve after quitting?
How did you manage to quit?

Please give support/advice anons. I really need to make it this time.

Other urls found in this thread:


*codine pills sorry

this advice im about to get you will save your life.

buy phenibut and kratom

take 250 mg of phenibut a day and 4 grams of kratom 2 times a day. welcome to your new life :)

both will help great with withdrawls

Where to buy user? Doctors script?

both are legal if you live in us

ceretropic depot for phenibut

meridian botannicals for kratom

reb bali is a great kratom strain for addictions of all sorts like heroin or alcohol

im not nearly close to your level but i was alco for a while where i spent literally all my money on it
Got fattest ive ever been and decided needed to lose some kgs
Pot helped me heaps because it was a twofer, you dont really wanna drink on it and it reduced my appetite
but really if its that gnarly i dont really know my dude, it all depends on someones situation and how much time you actually have to reflect and work on yourself
also remembering its a poison helps
Its slowly killing you

Ausfag here :(
Yeah I completely feel you. I'd happily smoke some pot right now if I had a dealer.
I was good looking user 7 years ago who went to gym heaps. Now I'm red faced, dark under eyes, fat face fuck. I hate looking in the mirror or having pictures taken of me.

Rough op, I'm kinda one too, but only now in the sense that I can't control after I start drinking just want more and more. Not drinking isn't a problem for me tbh. It's weird self control stuff I think.

>2 steel reserves on deck