Why did they kill him? He was the best player in the game and the most interesting character.
Why did they kill him? He was the best player in the game and the most interesting character
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Gotta dump the old political narrative bro
It's fantasy all the way through
because the author of the series is a two-bit hack that thinks unexpected deaths can replace plot, relatable characters, and comprehensible dialog
Other than Dragons, and the occasional use of magic/visions I disagree.
That might sound like a weird thing to say, but magic is boring.
Imagine in Dany had just flew to King's Landing and burned everyone there. She's the queen now. Now what? Wait for the inheritable zombie horde?
the worst thing is that they never found him guilty or sentenced him. just straight up murdered him. even tyrion could demand trial by combat.
This is a good example of good writing vs TV writing. Every season before this one was based on the books, but now they're just making it up as they go along. And it really shows.
He raped kids
>the author of the series
...yet the show outpaced the books several seasons ago, & has been hacking on their own since then....
Cause my SJW bullshit; same reason they deleted every positive character trait he had.
White guys is creepyville cause loves underage girl; but Khal Drogo is fine marrying a 13 year old & raping her for weeks straight, till she decided to fuck him of her own will, cause he's hot & "exotic".
the whole thing was his idea, he just didn't know he was the one really on trial and failed to defend his case, he was sentenced to death and he never tried to demand trial by combat, he just tried to flee after his lies couldn't save him anymore
He always had the same smug expression on his face. Bad actor. Glad he's dead.
Besides everyone crying "SJW!" the facts are simple:
>show had one season left
>waaaaaaay too many loose threads to tie together
>show has to focus on the big mains (dany, jon, tyrion)
>get rid of those who are extraneous!
>all of the Dorne characters die
>all of the Highgarden characters die
>littlefinger dies
nothing to do with anything but time, money, and cutting a profit
Doesn't explain all the other bullshit they've pulled with his character over the life of the show.
>inheritable zombie horde
Naw son, when I go this hea zombie hoard will be you's just like it was my papie's before me and his papie's before him.
like what?
until the last season and the one they just aired, it's pretty standard for the books.
not the point. and he was explicitly not sentenced. just straight up murdered. compare his "sentencing" with that of the deserters in the very first episode.
>he never tried to demand trial by combat
Yes he did, he just didn't use those words. That, and the Starks are impulsive and hot headed, save Bran.
Imagine he it was Jaime who was on trial. Do you think they'd give him a fair trail fro pushing Bran out a window? Hell, even Lysa gave Tyrion a trial by combat ONLY because she didn't think anyone present would actually defend him. Bronn was a bro, though.
varys alive doe...
>White guys is creepyville cause loves underage girl; but Khal Drogo is fine marrying a 13 year old & raping her for weeks straight, till she decided to fuck him of her own will, cause he's hot & "exotic".
He NEVER would've fucking sold Sansa off; and they deleted the nice little scenes between him & her, like when he helped her build the model of Winterfell in the snow.
because D&D want to do their shitty alternate history show instead so they're rushing the ending
You sound like a pedophile.
asking "his" soldiers to defend him was not asking for trial by combat, it was an attempt to start a battle
That's not an explanation.
If you actually saw the show youd know why they killed him
>Why did they kill him?
The actor wanted out
didn't he essentially start the whole show by murdering jon arryn?
>but Khal Drogo is fine marrying a 13 year old & raping her for weeks straight, till she decided to fuck him of her own will, cause he's hot & "exotic".
Technically, he sounds like a hebephile. Everyone gets them mixed up tho
Yeah, not the same in them, I know; but we're discussing the show here.
inb4 zombie king resurrects him and we see zombie peter
>dedeledudududu dedeledudududu
He doesn't fit into the final narrative. Since the writers didn't know what to do with him they killed him off.
If they kept him alive people would expect him to kill off Dany in the finale. Since he's gone this leaves the killing blow to Jon Snow or Tyrion.
because the writers are hack frauds
did we forget about Cersi?
He does so at 4:40
varyes should have been the one to defeat baelish
I agree. Varys is the only other character on Littlefinger's level in the show.
The writers are saving her to be immolated by Dany's dergen.
He honestly wasn't that interesting. Does it benefit me? Ok I will do something about it. Does it hurt me? I ok I will do something about it. Is basically all he was doing. There were only two outcomes he dies or he wins. And he wasn't going to win.
they wrote his character into a corner. sucks cause he started off with an interesting arc that went nowhere
Dorne characters sucked anyways I cheered when they died. Proving they really couldn't fight against skilled opponents every time.
Yeah, i agree.
I fucking hate all the characters who are considered good in the show.
I really really hope that the plot is that Daenerys is crazy (let's be honest, she is. And she is also really stupid), so they kill her, Sansa and Arya die in some tragic event and Jon gets murdered by Jamie or so.
>mfw i hate all the characters so much that i am rooting for Cersei
i think Cersi wins in the end.
In the books he never raped her.
I miss Stannis.
Trouble is there aren't that many interesting people left. Dany is starting to turn into the Mad Queen, Jon Snow is a Stark (and they always get fucked over), and Cersi has set herself up to be the ultimate target of Dany's wrath.
And Tyrion is not going to win IMHO.
its trash now
>Dorne characters sucked anyways
Doran could have been the saving grace of GoT's interesting plot, just as Oberyn was as entertaining to the plot.
To clean up the politics so the whole thing can be ended in a big screen battle like LOTR was.
you seem to be confused, "give me a chance to defend myself" when interpreted from Baelish's perspective/personality would be with words and lies. also, if you were waiting for someone to present their bogus "case" what would you do to begin waiting? lean back, then instead of defending himself his next response is to try and flee
Yes, I know, he spends an hour essentially asking her permission to fuck her before she gives it, but that's NOT THE POINT.
The point is how it's all depicted in the show; where Drogo IS portrayed as a pedo rapist, but still gets a more favorable character treatment in the long run the Baelish does.
He was legit one of the worst written characters in the books or show. He just had a fun actor portraying him.
He was pretty cool.
>Baelish makes his case
>Sansa throws out more accusations
>Bran backs them up
>Arya stands around like a smug bitch
Did you see who the judges were? Holy shit he couldn't defend himself even if he had a two-handed Jaime there, willing to fight for him.
>"i did it because i loved your mother" is not a defense for what he did
>Lysa about to throw Sansa out of the moon door
>Littlefinger stops her
letting sansa die would have ruined his plans, even if it was altruistic it doesn't counter the damage he caused to her family
Save your jurisprudance for the real world faggot. The fucking 3 eyed raven watched him do it. They are quite justified in calling that an open and shut case.
He betrayed their dad and Bran watched it happen. Why wouldn't they kill him?
That would imply the Starks were never at fault for their own stupid desicions
>Ned died for honor
>Robb died for his boner
>Catelyn died out of desperation
>Jon died for disregarding the Night's Watch
Nobody gives a fuck about a 3-eyed Raven, kid. Nobody would even know what the fuck that is.
He hadn't been relevant for like 2-3 seasons. Honestly he was just waiting to die at this point.
You know the show has gone to shit since Cersie, the person all the other characters made fun of for being a dumbass, is now considered smart by all the other characters.
Except she's not smart.
It's just everyone else is acting like morons because the writers are no longer being spoonfeed the plot.
Fucking sad.
Well, Jon Snow is a Targaryen tho
I don't really understand why people think it was unrealistic that he'd get outplayed by the Stark children. He is not the type of character who would run off immediately when faced with the possibility of defeat, if you listen to his numerous speaches it's clear that he does not play it safe. And obviously Bran was able to outplay him, Bran knew exactly what he was doing at all times. Even Arya alone could probably have fucked him up.
Petyr's plan was essentially to control as many kingdoms as possible, the Vale, the North, and the Riverlands in the books and presumably use that power to usurp the Iron Throne. If he pussies out from his bid for power in the North his entire plan fails. It was either kill him off, or have him kill Jon Snow to put Sansa in control of the North which would completely destroy the main storyline of the show, not to mention be extremely unrealistic with Bran knowing exactly what was going on at all times and Sansa being fairly paranoid of him.
aside from catelyn, they were children thrust upon the world before they were ready because of the untimely death of their father
Defiantly in the debate of one of the best GOT players. But don't forget he sold out ED Stark, and fucked over his daughter. Played the game insidiously tactical, but did nasty things. Happy he died, but I agree that it would have been nice to see him around longer
Last season the producers admitted that they were literally writing the plot as they filmed. Its no wonder that everything went to utter dogshit. This past season was no different - pathetically weak story writing optimized for tv and making record profits rather than making an amazing story for the ages.
In their defense, GOT has blown up into such a massive unstoppable beast that they sort of have to cut it short early. The cost per episode is setting records, and the main actors are sucking up insane amounts of money in their contracts because they cant just delete them from the show. Apparently the biggest factor in why they offed so many characters and why they only have one more season is because they couldnt continue to make a profit and pay their salaries anymore at the tate they were going. That and utter fucking laziness with making a coherent plot.
>they were children thrust upon the world before they were ready
Fuck that. Robb and Jon were both put into positions of power. They weren't boys anymore.
>Jon Snow is a Targaryen tho
In the show, maybe...
I he not in the books?
No solid evidence for it, other than speculation.
I myself believe the Ned x Ashara theory.
>Why did they kill him?
There are only 6 episodes left. They don't have enough time to adequately conclude most of the remaining character's story arcs, nevermind the most complicated political player. Plus, his existence probably wasn't important to the show's end-game.
One thing's for sure, there's no way his death will be that retarded in the books.
>One thing's for sure, there's no way his death will be that retarded in the books.
I wouldn't be so sure. Just look at how Robby B and Tywin died.
wow I don't like how HBO is different......
because they're shitty writers and, in a very rare moment of clarity, they made the wise decision to kill off a character they were far too ill equipped to write.
People can call Martin a hack, that's fine, but the show writers are miles below him (either due to a lack of talent or time). They just straight up can't do a good enough job to have Littlefinger stay alive, the differences would be too obvious to not completely disappoint the audience (see: the entire last season in general).
Probably the only gripe I have about him dying was that it was executed really badly with all those false "arya v. sansa" threads that made zero sense. Like, why the fuck are they pretending to hate each other in private where Littlefinger would never see it? Why would you threaten your sister with a knife for make believe funsies to convince other people you hate her... when no one is there to see it? They should have made it his POV all the way up to the trial.
you haven't even read the books have you?
>They should have made it his POV all the way up to the trial
Even that would have been better than what we got, although still pretty shitty.
Little finger was a cunt. He should have died long ago. Fuck little finger
that's his character though you idiot. He's an emotionless psychopath
Why was Littlefinger a cunt? Because he was good at playing the game of thrones?
Good luck being an honest person in King's Landing. Even Robert was wish on how much backstabbing went on there.
-wise- not wish
tywin is just as smart
the show runners did, yes. In the books, Little Finger's fate isn't determined yet.
dany is boring as fk, i've never cared for her. Jorah on the other hand. He deserves a glorious death
Tywin was a competent commander, but he couldn't even see that his twin children were fucking each other.
finally someone that understands how this show went down the shitter.
>He was the best player
Apparently not.
Think back to how he lost. Then tell me how any of that was realistic for any of the characters involved.
For all intents and purposes Littlefinger was killed because-
No need to keep him at this point.
They're fighting ice dragons and shit now.
He was a [spoiler]CIA NIGGER[/spoiler].
thats wrong, the first time he gets permission but then it is explicitly stated he rides her hard till it hurts and she doesn't look forward to it at all and hates it. Only when she learns how to "please him" does this change.
>the last 6 episodes will be huge battles
duude game of thrones lmao