Does any other user here feel their blood boiling with rage every time a snotnosed liberal fuckface calls an illegal an...

Does any other user here feel their blood boiling with rage every time a snotnosed liberal fuckface calls an illegal an "undocumented immigrant" like they fucking earned the fucking right to be here? Someone has to pay for their shit and the crimes they commit, do any liberals pay taxes? Open your fucking mouth and say something, who has to monetarily pay for the fucking illegals and all their bullshit?

Thank God and the angels that Trump won and we have a fighting chance at keeping these fuckers out. He better build that wall!

Other urls found in this thread:

im not a drug dealer, im an undocumented pharmacist

Careful with the impotent tard rage faggots.

What about the DACA guys who pay for their own shit?

They're okay in my book. At least, the ones who cause no harm and pay taxes and whatnot.

As an Asian myself, You can go ahead and Kill them

How can you pay taxes and vote without the criminals running California, a social security number or a license?

As far as California goes they should just go back to Mexico and get raped. When I say the United States, California doesn't count.

Are you here legally or illegally?


I am undocumented, yes

High and tall

Those illegal aliens can go be unafraid somewhere else.

Why the fuck are you here? Go back and fix your own country like we did


they will be fucked up when the get back to mexico let me assure you, the libtard SJW shit will hold no weight there

And then get the whips and lash em all!

maybe if they didn't work harder for less money, businesses wouldn't keep hiring them.

Mexico kicks people out all the time. Somewhere someone got the idea that America = free shit and that's fucking wrong. Send all the fuckers out of here, starting with the criminals and child rapists

What exactly are we paying for? If an undocumented immigrant commits a crime, we have to pay for legal representation, court fees, jail time if they're convicted, etc. But how is that any different than if a legal resident or citizen commits a crime?

I live in Asia, Only Travel in Japan, But Hope one Day I get to visit the Beautiful Land of Europe,
Love European Artist, Love Classical Music

Go back to Sup Forums you fucking retard-ass

Fuck you snowflakes I'll make sure to give your sister and mother all the diseases I brought with me when I fuck them in their ass!!!

Japanese are welcome.

Welfare? They use our highways and infrastructure and God knows we pay for that

As a Trump voter I'm glad that other countries are starting to issue travel advisories to the US. We don't want more and we don't need more. If you're not here legally, pack your shit and get the fuck out

In most states, people who apply for welfare have to prove citizenship or legal status before they can receive benefits. Even immigrants who are here legally have to have lived in the country for at least five years before they can apply.

Come make me bitch! I think I'm gonna go out and find a white girl to rape!! They fuck so good

the word "undocumented" is used to qualify "worker" as in "undocumented worker" which shouldn't boil your blood because undocumented workers contribute far more to this country and economy than most racist white people will admit

intelligent people know that amnesty for undocumented workers and their families would ~literally~ benefit the economy and society at large

the only reason to hate on them is racism, pure and simple

So what about about the states that allow a fucking bitch to be a US citizen who knows zero English?

There have already been dozens of studies that show illegal immigrants are a net economic benefit despite being here illegally. Around 70% of them pay taxes anyway while virtually none obtain government benefits since you have to prove you're a citizen to even receive them. They also have a lower crime rate than the general U.S Population

Don't listen to this poop head


ICE is on the way amigo

Get the fuck out and stay out

How is anything in america gonna get done?
You actually expect lazy white people to actually do hard work ?

I'm sure you'll recall that the United States has no official language at the federal level. According to the article you linked, everything she did was in accordance with USCIS regulations. So what are you so mad about?

You're conflating racism and nationalism. I don't give a shit what race you are, if you don't stand for our anthem and pay our taxes and follow our laws (this includes path to citizenship) you have no right to be here

We speak English here, it's our language. If you won't learn English, get the fuck out.

Theres no requirement to stand for the anthem
They already pay taxes
They have a lower crime rate than american citezens

You think the disgusting drawl you people have in Alabama is English ?

I sure as fuck don't speak Mexican

So MS13 is good now according to you

You may not realize this, but there are millions of people living in the United States who speak other languages. English may be spoken by the majority, but those who don't speak it are still able to get along just fine without it. Does that fact make your life more difficult?

That's not even close to what he said. Don't put words in other people's mouths. It makes you look stupid.

Of course not, speaking more than two languages requires more intelligence.


I shouldn't have to. Why the hell should I have to know Spanish too? They can bent for me, I don't have to bend for them

About as bad as nazis and white supremacists, I've seen plenty of them but never MS-13.
Ive lived in ghettos and I've never seen them, I have friends that became gang members and never seen them. You should be more worried of lightning than MS-13

So MS13 doesn't commit crimes? They're here illegally

You really should just hang yourself, it'll be worth it. Plus one less liberal fuckface in this world :)

I'd call em undocumented immigrants and laugh at you as you sperg out, and you wouldn't do shit, you pussy.

not all immigrants are bad
Many forget U.S. is a nation built by immigrants

You get paid more?

They go out and find little girls to rape as part of their indoctrination now

Illegals are bad

There are no statistics on undocumented crime. You know why we know this? Because they;re UNDOCUMENTED.

So, while that user is for sure putting words in other peopls mouths, why not call out the bullshit being spewed by the other user?

No. You're still putting words in people's mouths. Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

White people don't do that?
Dont tell me you don't believe in the Hillary pedophile conspiracy.
I'm willing to bet you do

>snotnosed liberal fuckface
Underage b&

Kill all spics

No I'm not. I'm glad that Trump and Sessions are doing something about this. The less mexicans and shit the better. Also the less liberals the better. Fuck you and your bitch ass liberal opinion faggot

"Undocumented" refers to the fact that they lack legal documentation to live in the country. It does not mean that crimes committed by them go unreported.

Okay bro. I understand that you're angry. I don't think we can continue this discussion until you calm down. Maybe you should take a nap?

One thing I can't wrap my head around is "sanctuary cities". It's like, in this location it's okay to break federal laws. The fuck?

Maybe you should go fuck yourself

Maybe you should have a juice box and a snack?

They're not doing anything, they said that to get elected. Remember hes been a democrat until the election. The only reason he ran was because hes mad that obama made fun of him.

this. why do all asians think they are in the fucking green? it's the Japanese and the Japanese only who people like. Not you other fucking gooks.

Sane people pursue legitimate problems.

On second thought, you’re right bro. I just invited my big dick bro over for a suck and stretch session. Sorry for being a bitch.


The correct classification for them is undocumented democrats

Just being here makes them a criminal. How is that fitting in with your narrative that Criminals have report less crime, therefor they have lower crime statistics, ergo they're somehow a beneift/or are better.

If you can't be here legally even to work, that means that you can't perform a higher level of societel function, so you need to take jobs that you are qualified for while being here illegally, so they're more prone to being extorted, blacikmailed, and having a crime committed upon them by predators, often their own people are taking advantage of them.

Get off your high horse and admit that the answer is not to take millions of people in who don't have an education and can't contribute to the nation they're trying to enter because they barely speak the native language, if at all, BUT rather to send them aid in their OWN countries, send them educators from a teaching impoverished abroad program, and let them build up their own nations instead fleeing to the USA and leeching off of the tax payers.

Hey sport, you seem to be getting a little cranky. How about you hop off the computer and get some shuteye? School comes pretty early, lol.

That what you would hear if anyone loved you, but you're an intractable douchebag so no one loves you enough to supervise and guide you.

Fat white fucks leech off the taxpayers far more than illegal immigrants

But do you know what the fundamental difference is there?

They were born here legally, SHOULD be paying taxes if they arent, and are ENTITLED to benefits from their fellow citizens.

I don't want anybody leeching off of welfare, but if you need it to get out of a hole, then by all means use it, thats why its there.

The point is, is that illegals are hurting their own countries, the countries the flee to, and their kids.

You expect trump to do that. He just wants to send them all back, including their U.S. born children back. Witch is how MS-13 was created BTW.
He wasnt elected to do that, or he wouldnt have been elected.

I'm done paying taxes for spics and niggers from Africa who rape children

one fat white fuck vs an illegal immigrant and all of their 12 kids. gtfo you fucking cockroach.

MS13 was created in the early 1990's. The fuck is wrong with you, you stupid fucking nigger kike cunt.

Trump wants to send back illegals, so the fuck what, cry me a river you fucking snowflake.

Trump got elected DESPITE the 40,000,000 illegal Commiefornians that tried to rig the us election on the proomise of FREE shit.

Build it high boys. Keep the sewage out

You mean Spanish right...

>>paying taxes

I'm sure you do, I'm sure you do. LOL

Few people systematically on welfare escape it, and the hicks I'm talking about are certainly not among those who do. And I don't give a shit about Mexico, honestly. If it wants to be a shitty country that naturally expels it's own people to a country where they can be useful, more power to the US of fuckin A

Make me, faggot. I was born here, and you'll die here before I do.

I'm from Mexico and in the five years I've been here I've raped two white girls and stabbed some kid in his way from his shitty job at KFC. Come fight me faggots. The people here are such pussies and the ones who say shit like this thread never do shit. They just shit their pants every time they see us trying to better ourselves. "Fix your country" try living in Latin America, puto

Whoa dude, you went full tinfoil on that one. Prove it.
And thats exactly how MS-13 was created, they deported Salvadoran immigrants in the 1990s, who then banded together to form Mara Salvatrucha

We're going to start a death squad for murderers and rapists who are here illegally soon. If ICE doesn't get them we'll scatter their guts all over the pastures of Texas for fertilizer

>They're okay in my book. At least, the ones who cause no harm and pay taxes and whatnot.

Yeah, all five of them.

If they aren't afraid how come they use safe words like "undocumented"?

I suspect that the studies which examine criminality among immigrants don't always differentiate between immigrants who are here legally and those who are undocumented.

Your assertion that all undocumented immigrants are criminals is flimsy at best, since although illegal entry to the United States IS a crime (a misdemeanor), immigrants who overstay their visas (which account for up to half of all undocumented immigrants) have not technically committed a crime, although they can be barred from reentering the United States for quite some time.

If you think nation-building and sending educational resources is a cost-effective way of dealing with the problem of illegal immigration, then great. I'd love to see the policy studies that support such a claim.

Where do you live, homie?

Then you'll go to prison for an asshole-stretching sesh with bubba, you limp-dick cuck



Do it faggit, make the news

There's many much larger more dangerous gangs than MS13. That's just a politically convenient scapegoat for Trump to invoke.

The Aryan brotherhood for instance is larger and more leathal than Ms13.


Fuck you care, faggot?

And the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas has been classified as worse, even though they're smaller. Like the usual dumb white supremacists they are, they are rivals with rhe Aryan brotherhood

That is the exact same argument made by slave owners in the South.

>Without slaves, our crops will just rot!

Congrads on upholding slave owning propaganda.

Why do you? Aren't you a badass?

LOL thats cute, up until there's a knock on the door, then its "woe is me...."