i'm an argie... ask what you want.
>are you white?
no, we are PROUDLY an amerindian country.
>where do you live?
Rosario < Santa fe < Argentina
>gurl or boi?
i'm an argie... ask what you want.
>are you white?
no, we are PROUDLY an amerindian country.
>where do you live?
Rosario < Santa fe < Argentina
>gurl or boi?
Ever been to SMA? And do you like reading?
¿Por qué siempre dices "che" en cada oración?
i'll ask you politley to stay the fuck off the falklands
You guys are really Italian, aren't you?
SMA? what's that?...
not that much, the only book i have read because i want to was Rapture (Bioshock).
Nose, es automatico... en ningun momento nos enseñan a decirlo, simplemente lo aprendes de algun lado y lo repetis toda tu vida... algunos dicen que es por una costumbre de los italianos que decian "CE" o algo asi, para mi es puro humo.
it's ok... i don't even have enough money to go to the downtown of my city.
i have italian citizenship (pic related... i have to go for my passport that day)
San martin de los andes. Its on the west coast near chile. Everyone i know in argentina always abbreviates it to SMA. I frequently go there, my father in law runs a bookstore there so I was curious if you ever went.
oh i got it... nope, i never went out of my city except for buenos aires with the school.
Que opinas de los mapuches?
Buenas noches.
¿Alguna opinión sobre los resultados de las ultimas elecciones?