happy joy day
hand me my harpoon
Landwhale fishing is forbidden except for in Japan, man.
It's unfortunate.
ice siro... on the rocks
I kinda want to watch Sixteen, but I'm afraid I might get triggered that some girls didn't make it while worthless members like cub and mina did.
happy birthday to my wifes favorite idol
It's easy to mistake the Kim twins
this is what Lizard deserves
You do realise that Sixteen was totally rigged, right?
which idol are we going to abduct
no worries, the other girls were also useless
why not just let her kiss properly this looks terrible
>cub and mina
>worthless members
then it might look genuine
Even knowing who won, I felt bad for the monolid sisters
son of a bitch...
and thank god for that
happy joy day
the cutest pristin is rena
they're no more worthless than any other member
don't get me wrong, I love all the other members but it just won't be the same
it won't be the same either if I don't get it myself
god this show was desperate
Happy Joy day
happy joy day
joy day is always so wierd since the other fours birthdays are in the span of a month and then there is joy 7 months later
This is not graceful eating, it's just slow eating.
like you would know, fatty
desu i'd be happy with a sally card no matter how i got it. well, i might be less happy with ebay hunting, depending on the price.
why is food so disgusting
koreans are turbo autists when it comes to these things. that's how they honestly think it's done
I have a phd in eating, she's a graceful eater
Because she shows you what's in her mouth like the uncultured savage she is.
that just makes it worse. having to give their all and the whole thing was a farce
that said though, none of the eliminated girls would have been a great fit in twice
I just checked, they're like all $10 but they look amazing
>joycucks intensifies
except somi
why are rvcucks repeating themselves?
Who is that french qt??
hmm, i guess it could be worse
we don't revelblast here
word. most kdrama kisses are so bad it's pointless
happy joy day kpg
It feels like Sixteen was some kind of boot camp for Twice where they went through an intensive drill before the debut, with the others just being there to provide an illusion of a competition to make it all that much more intensive. Seems pretty clear that it was all set from the beginning since they added in trainees who could definitely not debut yet and the ones that were old enough but didn't make it were basically doomed from the start in all of the challenges.
She's not French, that's Natalie Portman.
I do but only to irene
imagine being right there and just going REBUBUBU REBUBUBUBU
off yourself
word but we recognize attractiveness
that's the only debatable one. i'm not convinced she'd be a great fit though. even with IOI she stole so much attention and that's an all start team. she's a bit too much of an attention whore like her old man. jyp did the right thing diversifying his portfolio by putting somi on to something else
hopefully SM lets Joy have some cake or ice cream
or ice cream cake
it's so tasty
Are you saying she's jewish?
Happy Joy day everyone
they're having a ""surprise"" party
But this pic doesn't even have her in it.
this isn't very friendly
on vacation so no pics
gimme that gimme that your lips
well unless it was scripted, minyoung and jiwon did everything in their power to not make the team. minyoung not even showing up for practice, jiwon showing such low self esteem, it's like all they had to do was coast through it but they kept shooting themselves in the foot. i'm sure that was a lot of editing though
happy happy joy joy
>I scream you scream gimme that ice cream
what did they mean by this?
the dance to this is amazing, one of my favorite choreos
Oh you meant the one in the back? Got it
they want ice cream
honestly, they were all equally talentless, all we talk about when it came to skills was Momo and dancing
they're eating some ice cream
GON' B LIT #HappyJoyDay
sounds lewd
this is prime joy
Ice cream = I scream
hurting joy
>idol school members visit idol school discord
when will kpops come to kpg
you guys do get the pun, right user?
>these poser Option8s dont even know it goes "i scream you scream GIMME DAT GIMME DAT ice cream"
Its two GIMME DATS you fucking CUNTS
im a reveluv
gimme that jennie ice cream
hopefully never
dubu discovering dubully
speaking of somi...