Just got fired for the first time

Just got fired for the first time.
Fucking pissed.

Any advice?

get drunk

Get even

Burn down the establishment. Show them who gets the laat fuckin word! Those cocksuckers.

Bumping with pics

Why'd you get fired?

Find a new job.
Be a better worker.
Don't be a cunt.

Get drunk. Then get even.

join the military and get in on that sweet sweet military-industrial complex welfare at the taxpayer's expense

All great ideas, not all realistic.

Fucking assholes took advantage of my work ethic.

Feels like I sucked a thousand dicks for no reason.

You may not get another chance for a while. Then, start slinging resumes and put at least a 6 hrs looking for work.

Because I asked the boss to staff more people on the weekend and she is incredibly petty

smoke dope

Does she have a nice ass? Noods?

I fucking wish, ex alchoholic. Drinking destroyed me for a few years, wouldn't want to go back. I wish, though.

I am doing SO much of that right now.

Lol yes she does, I fucking wish

File for unemployment they will schedule a phone interview with you and your employer. If they fired you without warning for a minor thing you will probably get benefits. If you deserved it you wont. Good luck. Job market is still tough out there.

Then, go to step two, slinging resumes and 6hrs of looking/filling out paperwork for work.

Thank you, I appreciate the advice. Seems like a good idea while in between jobs.

Thats life. Move on to the next job. Learn from the fuck ups from the last job.

More good advice. I am beefing up my resume right now so I can go out tomorrow. Trying to get a position as a budtender or another barista job.

I appreciate it. Apparently, I am too much.

Fuck yeah Spokane!

Fellow spokanite!?!?

Fuck yeah!!!


Move on. Try to learn from the experience. If nothing else, learn to deal with failure, because life is going to be full of it.