Diaper/ABDL thread

Diaper/ABDL thread






Where does this fetish stem from?


What has Sup Forums become?

I have no idea. Probably could be a multitude of things

hasn't Sup Forums always been a cesspool of this kind of stuff?





Not like this.




Ever have something warm and wet against your genitals? Well, diapers are great at that and they're great at making women seem infantilized. Boom, new fetish.





Whos diapered now?

Who's wearing a diaper now? Age and gender







Diapered now in some Cushies. 25 M. Pic unrelated.


I ran out this morning. Tempted to go get some more

so it stems from wetting and pedophilia?

You a smelly boy?



Haven't you ever wanted to feel small? Humiliated?


Nah, just wet. Not ready for a change yet. Thinking about it though.

I love the humiliation of it


Lets hear some of your fantasies

For yourself or others?


Birthday party


What happens?



They expose my dirty undies to everyone and I open up a gift of diapers. I cry while they laugh and smile and I'm forced to poop them and get changed.


Not really.

And how old are you boy?

You don't think that deep down you're different from us big boys?

Very nice. That humiliating


I'd give a pretty decent amount to have a girl blow me during a one-night stand while wetting/messing her diaper, then begging for me to change her as I finish. I'm pretty simple.

I'd also happily take a weekend away with a fellow diapered fetishist. Nothing crazy, just a chill weekend with people in diapers. Again, I'm a simple person. Haha

The creme de la creme

nice trips

And what makes you think your diapers should be a choice?

Did anyone here ever wet the bed when you were kids? Anyone ever punished by having to wear diapers?

I never wet the bed, wasn't toilet trained until I was almost 4 though. I liked the idea of wearing diapers my whole childhood. When I was about 12, my mom threatened to send me to bed in a diaper if I didn't stop annoying my brother in the car, I kind of wish I kept annoying him to see if she would actually do it



No skid marks?


Are you shaved? Ready for a diaper?

I only use grey or black trunks.

I was supposed to get with a girl who had a messing fetish but she's too fucked up and depressed to go through with it. After a month I finally told her I was letting her go. So disappointed

Would you have them otherwise? Tell me the truth


how do you find them? it's pretty rare in the field

I'm not shaved but I could be diapered anytime. I just need to buy some first


You should be diapered all the time. You probably do a poor job wiping your poopy when you're not huh?


Yeah it's reddit, sue me. She was the only one who responded


I don't understand your question

I do a pretty good job wiping

Does it make you want to show your mom and dad?

I think I'd better check your pants

Neither of my parents want to see that




But that's what big boys do! I'd make you show.id spread your cheeks and we'd clap and say no stinky!





'Tis the dream. Tis the dream.






Who wears diapers in public?
