I fuck you I fuck you I fuck you I FUCK YOUR FUCKING HEAD

I fuck you I fuck you I fuck you I FUCK YOUR FUCKING HEAD

put me in a headlock with those strong arms already, both of you

your an ass
your a whore

Can I have a life yet or nah.

i have a phone

Sup Forums finally blossoming into something usefull

I have a pen.

im sorry bb soon you will squeeze me tight :P

you want it and i want it lets fuck lets fuuuck

What album is this?

7789521460 or try 925 my brain is farting :/

i want those arms...

i was thinking about you today, like what i would say and do if i randomly saw you... i miss you

I got arms like that bb, hmu, real talk we cant make this work


nigger he will fuck your fucking head

you ever had a hairy popper?

Ya then she died and said fu on her way out

you never had your bitch say fu as she died then you the faggot

But my penis doesn't feel like a faggot.

A d v a n c e d copypasta

thats because your brain is the faggot not your penis

I have a apple


Cool pic

ive had a nope.jpg

Boom.... Pineapple-pen...

Only the poisioned parts

That's what she said.

This looks like the cover to a metallica album