Why do I only like white girls?

Why do I only like white girls?

Because you have good taste.

Because the dont have attitudes like the other girls. You can spit on them and the would apologize to you for making you do that

Because you’re intelligent

You're a sensible individual.

I used to like black girls, when I was 20 something.

I never really been into asians.

Now I only like white girls. But I do also like tanned women, like perhaps middle eastern with a big fat ass.

Are you black?

My experiences with girls of multiple races
White chicks. They are like fake plastic food, they look good and that's about all they are good for

Nigger. They fuck good and that's about it

Sandnigger. Wife material too bad they are usually Muslim

Asian. Mix bag th, you can get a good one or one that belongs in the trash

Hispanic. Psycho bitches


Have any of you uncultured cuckold plebs tried dating girls that aren't into black men?

Asian girls are the best.