What are they dong better than the other teams?

What are they dong better than the other teams?

Best front office in the league who embrace analytics and have a built a winning culture that doesn't focus on just individual brilliance but team success

NBA equivalent of the Patriots

Their jobs

inb4 cheating

I think he meant fucking over the commissioner

memed their way into the #1 overall pick when they already had a good team and got a hall of fame player

Pop keeps sucking Hillary's ass like there's no tomorrow for some reason.

That was 20 years ago.

and it's the main reason they were the best team in the league for 20 years

They're the Patriots of the NBA minus the cheating and that faggot Tom Brady


>What are they dong better

They typically score more baskets than the teams they are playing, leading to more wins than other teams, which in the playoffs will advance you to the next round and ultimately a championship

Bringing euro tactics against clueless and dumb nigger coaches.Kerr did the same in GS

>Fucking spaghetti god

>loses to a nigger coach with nigger tactics in past year's finals
Really ignites the cognition

lol I thought he meant front office wise and embracing team>individual

Curry was shit last year in the finals you dumb nigger

And the year before kek

Legendary Schlong Sucker