>is nihilism the new emo?
it's seems more and more people becomes pseudo-intellectual wusses that wines about how pointless life is and how fucking stupid normies are for being happy
Is nihilism the new emo?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
It's always been this way with adolescents. When their underdeveloped minds first start to form their own existential philosophy they inherently gravitate to something comprehensible. Cult level christfags, satanism, atheism, nihilism, they all sounds so dark and dirty, they're absolutely certain that they're into something deep, edgy and intellectual. But they're really just jumping on a preexisting bandwagon that's been going on for thousands of years. It's easy to argue the black and white with blanket statements "You cannot prove is there is a god!" or "You cannot disprove god!". Call them nihilists, special snowflakes, emos or whatever, there's nothing unique or special about them, they've been done before. And they will grow out of it. When they grow up they'll have kids that think and do the exact same things but that generation will call themselves something else - it doesn't really matter what you call them. I like to call them "not grown up yet"
sure kid
projection, the post.
whew, user, what are you trying to pull here?
Nihilism is for betas
But normies really are stupid as fuck, even normies can't stand normies
This. Thus why everyone likes to call themselves weird even if they're not and "I'm such a nerd, have you seen the new Star Wars yet? XD", and it's where you get terms like basic bitch.
Pseudo-nihilists are cringe. Doesn't mean nihilism as a philosophy is pseudo-intellectual.
its the old emo
Lol I believe there is no point to life, but I believe for that reason we should ENJOY life. Why would someone discard something that is truly interesting and enigmatic just because they cant handle it is beyond me.
Nihilism is just another euphoric feather in the hat for the fedora gentlemen
I bet you'd fear me after I stick a fork in your throat
well dick and shorty pretty much set it up to be the biggest meme ever now. if you like rick and morty and associate with "fans" but arent a Nihilist then you will probably catch some shit for it.
I thought that a nihilist is a person that thinks there's no meaning in life
Realize we are born to die and GET THE MONEY NIGGA - Will Smith
Nihilism can also be defined as the belief that someone cannot truly live without finding their own purpose. It looks down upon established philosophies and religions. One can only be enlightened and rise above by finding their own way. Life truly has no higher purpose, it is only what you make of it.
Neitzsche believed that while life has no meaning, it has value. He believed we need to make the best of it.
When edgy teenagers read too much into the "God is dead" comment without really getting the context they start to think that nihilism is all "fuck da system" and all about life being pointless.
Neitzsche's whole point was that we need to make the most out of what we have.
Now if you want true edgy nihilism, read Kierkegaard. That cat was depressing af.
>>is nihilism the new emo?
Exactly what I said
I know. Just making an important distinction.
Nihilism is the new popular shit that people do that they dont really understand or have an actual reason to believe and are simply doing it because its popular.
I was the guy with the stop sign pic. But ya even though there is no purpose, you should still try to find a reason to live.
Are you trying to sound smart or is this just the usual way that you talk?
>wines about how pointless life is
They may be annoying but that point is true.
I'm not going out of my way to sound intellegent if that's what you are asking, I just saw it as the best way to articulate my perspective. Normally I do talk like this when having an educated conversation though. I'm not trying to impress a bunch of anons.
Life isn't pointless, it's just you who suck at life
Because you are un-intelligent.
>it's just you who suck at life
So how come other people don't think life is pointless?
Okay friend, you are entitled to your own opinion. Is it because you disagree with what I said or because you think I'm showboating?
What about I come over and rape your ear?
People's thoughts about their life doesn't change anything. You're just another organism put here to eventually become fuel for something else. Shouldn't you be in school?
I'm a nihilist, but Its more of a reason to enjoy my life. It's freeing honestly. I have little to no fear, and find myself being more spontaneous then most. It's all about how you take things, so ya a lot of edgelords are nihilistic but fuck those whiny fucks.
You seem angered by some semblance of intellect, a lot of dumb people are. That's why so many people voted for Trump, he didn't say scary, fancy words. :)
That's an indicator of depression, not because of nihilism.
Pretty much.
They try to hard.
The funniest part is they go on and on about how life has no meaning, everything is pointless and anyone who believes/tries anything ultimately is retarded etc.
But the fact that they try hard to prove themselves and make a point to (not everyone but the bulk do) puts them in the exact same position, which makes them look even more retarded.
so many sperglords in this thread defending being edgy teens who understand the deeper meaning of life
Yes, because every nihilist is an edgy sperglord. Just like every Catholic person is a child molester. Every Muslim is a terrorist.
Fo sho. Fuck hoes, earn money fam.
Well, give me an example of a scary, fancy word
What? My point was Trump has 0 political experience and doesn't know the jargon, not that a particular word was a trigger.
>the deeper meaning of life
Oh? And what would that be exactly?
That is true, however, telling people you're a nihillist still makes you stupid
What about you don't know what you're talking about so how you're even talking is beyond my realm of belief
Nihilism is and has always been for faggots. When there's no meaning there's no responsability. You excuse yourself from doing anything that would make you and life around you great. If you never try you never fail, and that is too tempting for the faggots.
What are you even saying
Hey faggot the idea is that there is no higher purpose but you should make the best out of life. Just because we aren't a bunch of narcissists thinking we are God's gift to the world doesn't mean we don't want to live life.
I fucked your mom last night
>Hey faggot the idea is that there is no higher purpose but you should make the best out of life.
You're one of the retards that think nietzsche was a nihilst, no?
You should be at least 18 to be on this site.
Okay here we go. Nihilism is not a sad ideology, it is not a happy one. Nihilism is by definition neutral, it is nothing. Just because existence is meaningless, sentience and free will are a lie, and our insignificant corner of the universe is all we will see and know for an instant in time before we return to the void doesn't mean you have to be sad. I believe in nihilistic stoicism, that because there is nothing, a situation is only as sad or happy as your own emotional assessment of that situation. That's why I'm a "Happy Nihilist", because there is no reason to be anything else. Quit being a bunch of whiny cunts about it. We're all gonna die too, get over yourself.
What does that have to do with my point?
Interesting and enigmatic and opinions. To some life is dull and without joy.
Life has no objective value only subjective. His belief that life has value only has value because he believed that it did which it doesnt.
You confuse nietzsche's ideas on what our morality should(or shouldn't, technically) be based on with his criticism of nihlism, and think he's praising it.
"God is dead..." is not a triumphant cry. It's a somber prediction about the consequences of removing the spiritual basis from under western civilization, and the bloodshed that would be caused by the ideologies trying to replace it. It is a perfect microcosm of people misunderstanding his work.
Sorry for bad english, i'm foreign, etc.
Nihilism is truth. Life has no intrinsic value nothing does.
You are stupid and here is why, life has value because you can turn life into value
I believe nihilist are just a bunch of faggots, without the enough maturity or capability to think beyond their comfort zone. They took a philosophy they barely understand and use it like a meme, because they don't have a strong willed personality and just give up about almost everything, in the moment they realize life don't work in the way they wanted.
Thanks for correcting me, appreciate it.
That value only exists in your mind and is only equal to the value you believe it has it does not make it objective value nor does it imply that the said thing had value from the beginning of ots existence. The valie tou give is an illusion. Its not real.
>Thanks for correcting me, appreciate it.
>Sup Forums
My brain is confused.
Because believing in imaginary sky people is real mature.
or are we dancer
Just because I enjoy the culture doesn't mean I'm a close-minded manchild.
I don't believe in gods, demons, or whatever. I believe in myself and my own effort
Your point?
My point is that nihilism is no less or more "mature" of a philosophy than anything else. And is probably the only right one. Nothing matters and nothing has value seems like solid logic.
Troll detected
How am i trolling? Those are my honest beliefs. Can you prove me wrong? Can you prove that amything has natural value without it being given value by something else, making it really just someones opinion on what they think said thing is worth.
You're saying stupid and illogical things. Are you stupid?
As this user pointed, nihilism is another form of lack of experience and maturity. Without experience, knowledge and maturity, you can't use or apply solid logic. People than need to brand their perspectives or themselves under certain abstract, deterministic or biased philosophical idea are, in simple words, child that need to boost their own egos
I see you have an excellent argument going against what i said and you have provided enough evidence to have proven my statements false sir i apologize and will leave the internet to you.
As a 34 yo male who has traveled and experienced quite a bit and dabbled with Christian philosophy and other religions when i was younger thanks to my parents all any of my past experiences have done is reinforce my beliefs that nothing has any real value and that almost everything is just someones opinion. I dont believe that it makes me less mature or experienced to believe in nothing its just what is and what isn't. And nothong no logic or argument brought to my attention has been able to change the way i view this reality because no one has had any irrefutable evidence.
The thing is that this shit sounds good inside your head, but it doesn't work in real life. All these kids saying the're a nihilist are too afraid to do anything. If your a nihilist do whatever you want than. But no they are fucking pussys who use nihilism as an excuse not to do anything.
Sorting yourself out is really rewarding, nigga - Jordan "kermit" Peterson
That isn't so strange is it? Sup Forums is supposed to be random
You actually think atheism is the childish choice?
You don't realize how childish it is to believe in something without proof?
You don't notice how cringy religion is?
There is no evidence to suggest nihilism is wrong. I think people just have a hard time realizing that there lives are just jokes with value or meaning and that bothers them so much they create something else something anything to believe in because for them believing in nothing is to hard. The oblivion scares them. You can still do whatever you want as a nihilistic person. Lazy people are just that no matter what they believe.
theres two kinds of nihilism. the kind where nothing matters and youre sad about it. and the kind where nothing matters and you do whatever you want. im the latter. who gives a shit. when did living become a contest to see who could live the longest and have the most people say the nicest things about you after death? fuck that.
And a 38yo old male, with almost the same amount of experience and upbringing, I can't care less about your biased point of view. If you need irrefutable evidence you most provide the same for the sake of your own philosophy, but you don't have, you only lack it. As some person pointed out long ago: "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".
I'm a nihilist but have a very bright disposition. Great life. Friends. Good job. Corporate white guy, late twenties. Check out 'Optimistic Nihilism'. It was my view of the world and then a YouTube channel came up with this. Fits perfect.
Lol at all these dickwads pretending to know what they're talking about, Nietszche was a fag btw
Yes and anything anyone believes is just an opinion, that was my point, how or why would anyone believe in anythong without evidence. I couldn't care less about your biased opinions either. There is no evidence for any belief so i simply choose nihilism and believe nothing.
Then you choose teh new brand of "I'm a snowflake because I realize I'm not a snowflake at all". When you talked about "beliefs", you're almost always talking about blind faith and religion. "Meaning" is far beyond anything wrote in a old fairy tale book. "Meaning" is something you found, not something anyone must provide. Your lack of meaning is evidence of immaturity, not self-realization.
it's the realization that value system are arbitrary and the result of power play.
That means as a corrolary that you have the freedom to trust your own experience build your own value system and not feel ashamed about it.
I think nihilism is healthy, a good news and a path to more personal freedom.
I will never find meaning where there is none. This life has no natural "meaning" that can be found only created by your own mind.
You're confusing purpose with meaning. Just because you have purpose, doesn't give your life meaning.
And? That not means that anything lacks a meaning. That only means you don't found out. As I said, immaturity
You cant find something that doesn't exist.
You confused purpose with meaning. Meaning is something personal, not collective. Meaning is something you achieve and self realize, is not something that can be defined or acquired trough others.
Who do you think you are to tell him his opinion is biased ?
You have an Ideological point of you and YOU are critisizing. YOU are biased.
No, you can't find something you are not looking for and don't believe it. That's is your problem, not a philosophy and much less the right one.
Trips of truth
Everyone is biased, my friend. Your lack of understanding of something so simple is what make you believe you have a point.
Creating you're own imaginary meaning doesn't make it real nor does it make it matter.
Define "imaginary"