Give me advices on losing weight /b
Give me advices on losing weight /b
Avoid at all cost sugar, salt, oil and butter.
Eat huge amounts of vegetables and fruit.
It's that easy.
masturbate 3 times a day
move to somalia
abort it
Go see a priest, wait 6 weeks.
just stop eating
bleed out
This guy gets it
Checkando Los Dobles
amputate legs
amputate arms
congrats you lost weight
Get addicted to ritalin or adderall or something.
Work out, eat less.
There is no secret user
start a business in venezuela
It only works for about a week
don et
eat math
This not surprisingly works
Agree, I did this and lost 500g a day
Step 3 is the hard part
Read this whole series. Dr. Jason Fung:
Remember this equation: Health = Nutrition/Calories.
Your body has nutritional needs that must be fulfilled within a calorie limit. Meaning the more nutrient dense foods you eat, the less likely you'll overeat.
Long story short: Stop eating junk food. Eat fresh fruit, eat veggies as much as possible (stir fry them with meat so they taste better). Take some multivitamins also since you may not be getting your full nutrient intake each day.
Change up the way you eat and you'll lose weight without starving yourself AND you'll feel a lot better doing it. You'll see a difference within a month. If you stay active (just power walk around for at least an hour), your results will be even faster.
Less carbs, more proteins.
Get up. Do stuff.
Work out, even if it's just for a couple minutes a day. Figure out your plateau point, then try to increase it each day. Rotate what you work out: Arms, legs, core, etc.
Less processed foods, learn to cook for yourself.
Im at step 3 right now
trips of truth
but what if I'm that guy in a blue shirt, never wear underwear and like hanging around lat pulldown machines?
Probably the easiest and hardest way at the same time, but get yourself a job on the international space station. You'll be practically weightless overnight
Start smoking meth and don't eat.
you are dense
Keto & HIIT. Get on it.
Obtuse really, but I'm not wrong
>I'm not wrong
neither am I
obtuse, more like obese amirite?
Fasting. Eat only once a day, (including sugary drinks). Drink only water between meals and it will help you feel less hungry. You can also get away with eating junk food as long as it's in your eating window.
Count your calories. Figure out how many you burn a day and eat roughly 500 calories less than that. It might take a while but it will work if you stick to it.
I have lost about 50lbs this last year doing this.
I eat like a pig, rarely have veggies aside from salsa, no exercise except walking around the city and jerking off sometimes (never together tho)
If I wasnt going out for some fat burgers tonight I'd probly eat the whole microwave pizza in my fridge.
Probably my secret: I smoke at least 1 cig a day, I fidget a lot, 1 or 2 cups of coffee in the morning, usually skip breakfast (banana or granola bar if I have time), occasional cocaine, liquor every weekend (not so much beer), and I don't drink a lot of soda and I don't eat a lot of sweats (cake, donuts, candy, etc)
What if you're a poor Asian who can't afford anything but rice?
Well, dense would imply there's some mass to me. I'm actually pretty skinny, and when I knock on my head it sounds pretty hollow.
Obtuse is opposite of acute, meaning not sharp, as in I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, as in my advice is pretty useless.
For all practical intents and purposes tho, you are weightless on the ISS. This guy didn't ask anything about being skinny or fit. He just wanted to lose the gravitational effects of his body, which is what weight measures.
then you shouldn't be fat
But I am.
Its not about what you eat. At my uni, a lot of girls (a lot more of them are fat idk why) make comments about how hard it is to eat healthy/ they have eating disorders from childhood events.
Its not about what you eat. Exercise, run until you start sweating, then run back home. If you take breaks/ walking sections, then the sweating distance should be a third of your distance. do it man
>avoid at all cost sugar
>eat huge amounts of fruit
Hey, dipshit, fruit has sugar.
get a tapeworm or more
yeah, its not like a diet based on gorging yourself with carbs can make you fat or anything, dont talk unless you have the slightest knowledge of what is being discussed
Worst advice I've seen in a while. If you want to lose weight just exercise. It's literally that fucking easy. Olympic swimmers while training can eat 12,500 calories a day. It's all about energy expenditure. Yes, changing your diet (not large amounts of fruit) can help, but it's not needed to lose weight.
Eat less.
Move more.
This. Lower caloric intake, you will lose weight.
Diet is 80% of weight loss and you sir have given uneducated advice based on your superstitious supositions
OP, its as easy as calories in vs calories out.
I have lost 13kg in the past 9 months just by keeping tabs of what I eat and doing some light excercise like walking or biking to work
Yeah it does, but eating an apple gives you all sorts of vitamins and makes you feel full as well. Cake is just empty calories.
losing/gaining weight is all about how much you take in and how much you spend calories.
>Its not about what you eat
Yes, yes it is. You can't outrun your own fork, you will wear out and wind up gaining weight.
Calories in versus calories out. Workout, or eat smaller quantities so you don't store excess fat. Avoid sugar and carbs.
Start smoking and drinking coffee
when you want to go get your disgusting chicken filled deep fried cum donuts, smoke a fag and have a cup
>9 months
Top fucking kek. At least you're trying.
Worst advice I've seen in a while. If you want to lose weight just stop eating. It's literally that fucking easy. When dieting people can consume under 1000 calories a day. Its all about calories out vs calories in. Yes, exercise(not heavy weight training) can help, but its not needed to lose weight.
also the coffee has to be BLACK and without any sugar
just plain coffee
also the coffee has to be BLACK and without any sugar,
just plain coffee, it won't work if you add maple syrup to it
Don't eat.
Just drink coffee or whatever all day.
When you get really hungry sleep.
Or just eat and do the middle school girl throw up method, but you'll probably loose some teeth after a few months.
Shit, this. I put on so much weight when I quit smoking. You can replace food with cigs and coffee if you don't mind having the runs constantly.
Once you're drinking at least a pot a day you stop having it effect you...
From having the caffeine affect you to having to shit from it like the filthy casuals.
Make small changes throughout your life that you can live with. Allow those changes to be part of your daily routine and habits for 2-3 weeks before you make another change. Some examples...
>Avoid any drinks with calories, drink only water, unsweet drinks, diet soda, etc
>Go for a 20 minute walk 2-3 times a week
>Lift weights 2-3 times a week
>Reduce your amount of fast food down and learn to cook (this would vary greatly on how much you eat fast food...If you eat fast food say twice a day, reduce it to once a day, if you eat fast food 7 days a week but only once per day, reduce it down to 3-4 times a week, the goal is to make it small changes until you go down to a normal level).
>If you never cook at home, learn to make the dishes you love, it doesn't matter if they are necessarily healthy to start with, the goal is to learn to cook them and get used to cooking
>Get in the habit of cooking dinner, then double what you cook and have it for lunch the next day
>Protein (4-6oz at least) + 1-2 cups of greens every meal. You can add other carbs and fats but make sure your getting at least that much of protein and greens every meal.
water fast
All you faggots saying its all about calories in vs. calories out can get fucked. Everyone knows that eating better and exercising = weight loss. What people don't know is that you burn a hell of a lot more calories throughout the day if your muscles are recovering from stress. How do you put the greatest amount of stress on the most amount of muscle? You stop being a pussy and finally learn how to use a barbell.
I use an app called Fat Secret, sets a daily calorie target for you, helps you count and keep track of the calories you eat and also track your weight loss against you target weight. I lost 45lbs using this. Good luck.
Alright turd, stop eating carbs entirely, replace the space on your plate taken up by carbs with Veggies. Aim for a gallon a day. Find a hobby that makes you sweat and do that thing. Only Veggies at night. If your not a total fat shit you can do protein too to help build muscle if you're working out.