No YLYL thread?

No YLYL thread?

Well now there is

Search button, do you use it?

There is at least 5 YLY thread right now

good luck finding a place where you can marry a 14 year old






It's called the middle east.

It's called most of the world.

>6 inch dick
Umm that's not big

I don't necessarily want a wife who is virgin because I understand that is a pretty unrealistic expectation but I want a woman who hasn't hooked up with like 20 guys before the age of 18 and spent their entire teenage and early 20's on pills and coke and then expects men to be 1000x better than them. Women wanna sit there and get mad when men fuck young women but they were fucking grown men when they were 15.

this is literally me carrying in all the groceries

Sup Forums is fucking dead today.. what the hell.


It's because they are all busy at their Thursday church service

all the 9fags are in school

Good job removing The Onion’s watermark on that.




Michael J. Fox can only play slap bass riffs. Because of Parkinson's.



cmon man. dont spread it....

Not enough