Debut > Post
You cannot refute this.
Debut > Post
Bitch is old
Still sexy.
i'd tittybang her
i can't
Good. You know the truth.
Thom Yorke agrees
Post is nice and it's really cool that it's all over the place with loads of different styles of songs yet still works so well as an album, but debut overall is a comfier singular experience imo.
Both amazing albums tho.
You're correct. I cannot.
i can't stop looking at this picture
What's your favorite of the frames?
i think second bottom far right or top left
I like last third row a lot. Manic.
This. It's much more cohesive than Post, which makes it a whole lot more satisfying.
I can't refute it because it's true. But they both pale in comparison to Homogenic, Vespertine, Medúlla and Vulnicura.
Kinda true but gets it
Who wouldn't?
I prefer the one just before it.
Trips of taste.
debut is great and has some god tier tracks on it (venus as a boy, big time sensuality, the anchor song) but post as an album just has so much more energy, more unique instrumentals and a more refined vocal delivery than debut. plus post has isobel so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Would you let her lactate into your mouth?
I feel like Post was too ambitious, to the point where it became directionless, whereas Debut is more stripped back, letting you focus on the rhythms and melodies more. I do love the harmonies and layered instrumentals on Post though.
idgi, why is everyone love bork so much
music is weird
She's a cutie with a nice body of work.
I love you user.
because bjork has mass appeal. someone like grimes - who is more eccentric and creative - is far more divisive.
There is a dark power pitting us against one another, grimesfriend. It gives us trips to trap us into infighting. Don't fall for it.
Maybe your grimes simply isn't a relatable entity and that's best for everyone else
One of them has Like Someone in Love, one doesn't. The winner is clear.
This. Her ballads on that album are god-tier.
I don't like dance music and think Post is basically the good parts of Debut refined upon.
What do you think Post improved over Debut?
Not them, but I think Post's production (pun intended) is more diverse and its sound isn't as clearly dated as Debut. I still like Debut more, but it's not as eclectic.
she's relatable only to a select few.
I can see feeling that way, but for me, eclecticism isn't as important to me as songwriting, and I feel the more sparse arrangements on Debut help to amplify the emotions she's trying to carry with her voice, while still laying out a dance-able framework for the songs, creating memorable rhythms and melodies.
Artist of the decade get on her dick slave
you're insane
stop i can't jack off again today
Nice opinion
Why not user?
This is the worst virgin v. Chad image I've seen
fucking hell
It's okay user, it's a normal healthy habit. Good for your prostate!
I agree
lord have mercy
No way, Post is miles btter tan Medulla.
this is a weird picture
Cover art is what makes Debut the best.
post's cover art is great too tho
they both represent each album incredibly
Debut might be her best album
Very comfy if you ask me.