Germans what will you do when you wake up some morning and you see in news that ismlamic kalifat is called out in...

Germans what will you do when you wake up some morning and you see in news that ismlamic kalifat is called out in berlin and other main cities ? Will you go to work like usual or will you flee ?

flee to mother russia to my uncle

i wish i could do that. but not having any fammilly member in russia ....

Sharia is still better than all this liberal shit going on.
Hang murderes from cranes instead of 5 years in prison? Chop off the hands of thiefs? Death penalty for "psychic mediums" and scum like that?
Muslim societies tend to be relatively peaceful in themselves assuming they're not ruled by some crazy tyrant.

I will be ready for war and kill as much kebabs as I can

>Muslim societies tend to be relatively peaceful in themselves

Dunno man. I live in Austria, but similar situation. I would like to emigrate to Australia in a few years. I'm a plastics engineer and would have a bachelor's degree in biology by then so I hope they'll let me in. Main reason is the cold winters here though, but my dislike for muslims plays a role too.
Need a subtropic, English spoken place with as little religious nuttiness as possible. I kinda dislike the USA and don't feel like I could agree with their overall tenets.
Wat do? Any advice?

Don't forget the part where you're regarded as a literal subhuman who's house isn't allowed to be taller than a muslim's if you decide not to convert and pay jizya tax.

Look at any kalifat or extreme islamic state and you'll see that this happens already everyday. But it does not require any outsiders.

kill back. i srsly donut care for them. coming from broke ass countrys and try to scare us. i spend my entire life struggeling with stupid, drunk, violent nazis. i do not fear some skinny bitch muslims.

Not going to happen. There are far too the few muslims in Germany and they aren't even united (Turks hate Arabs and vice versa).

Go back to /pol.

>Germans what will you do when you wake up some morning and you see in news that ismlamic kalifat is called out in berlin and other main cities ?

I will realise that I woke up in a nightmare of some small minded wall nigger because this will not happen in reality. Btw your mother will die in her sleep and you will suck nigger cock just bcause you tried to bait us Sup Forumstards

of course they will let you in. why wouldn't they? it's a continent full of fucking criminals lol. you would be accepted with open arms. or come to America

That's why I said "in themselves". Don't mix muslims with other faiths or even the other kind of muslims.

Then go live there. If you can find a place that isn't ruled by a "crazy tyrant". Or if you already do, tell everyone you know NOT to come to Europe just to live there as welfare parasites. Thanks.

Well last time I looked they let people in based on qualification...
"Saving fugitives", that's another thing then.

>Don't mix muslims with the muslims

Official East Nigger Thread




> because this will not happen in reality

hahahaha wake up


I'm talking about the origins of the place. criminal scum who other countries didn't want to deal with were sent to Australia. they're all literally descendants of serious criminals.

>wake up
You some version of Gordon Ramsay? Let's make Beef Wellington!


what does the article say? i don't read yiddish

Will not happen. Bullshit propaganda, good try. Go make the world better and don't complain about anything that isn't even there.

It says German girls like stinky dick

Adfter some months of observation they arrested some islamist in Berlin who was hoarding ammunition and some weapons.

Doesn't look like an all too violent place right now, user.

Generally, Berlin is a fucked up place and a failed state. Build a wall around again and move one.

Sunnis and Shias can't stand each other.

It's "sandnigger". ;)

Hat Ronny wieder Kacka in die Hose gemacht?

Don't care about sandniggers first we need a solution for the East Nigger (Ossi) problem

it was supposed to be a joke user. I see humor, or dry humor rather, doesn't come naturally to you. either that or you're just genuinely worried about what you're going to do when Mama Merkel declares sharia law


ossis are the last true germans and no problem

ge wek.

My East Nigger detector is off the charts

And what about instead of fleeing, struggle for what is yours?

sadly germans are mostly not allowed to have arms

The irony was palpable but there are too many stormfags who would mean shit like that serious, so...
Technically I'm racist btw., pic related. I just don't worry about Australia's past. Looks like a nice enough place to live in if you avoid sandnigger enclaves.

I said they're descendants of criminals, not that they're sandniggers lol. the only people you have to worry about there are Abos. I guess they're really bad though. anyway Australia will take you dude why wouldn't they

You don't need arms.
If a significant part of the society shows that it is REALLY pissed off, things change quickly.

Austrofag here. Well I voted FPÖ...
This aside, it's difficult to get a weapon here too.

Looks like it eh?

>You don't need arms.

And they're both fucking retarded.

But so is everybody else.

please stop pretending like there are good muscums and bad muscums. thanks.

I wasn't doing that though.

>I said they're descendants of criminals, not that they're sandniggers lol.
Didn't take it that way.
>the only people you have to worry about there are Abos. I guess they're really bad though.
Yeah, I heard only the best of those noble natives. Pic related.
>anyway Australia will take you dude why wouldn't they
I sure hope so, man. Fuck winter.

>italians smarther then dutch

nice try son

youre fucking dumb

Auch du gehst bald unter die Dusche, Sören-Malte!

Warst du heute schon bei Mabuto im Park und hast an seiner Schokostange gelustcht, du kleine hessliche Schwuchtel?

Ach, der Zonenaffe wieder. Gott sei Dank hat Gas nur drei Buchstaben, sonst könntest du Halbaffe es nicht schreiben.


Ihr Nazischwuchteln gebt euch aber auch echt keine Mühe die Klischees nicht zu erfüllen.

>implying you can compare a dozen different studies directly

lmao learn statistics

Ostnigger können kein Deutsch.

Gönnt Euch, ihr stinkenden Sörens!

Ui, schau an, ein Zonennigger, der auf Niggerschwänze steht.
Naja, gleich und gleich gestellt sich gern.


Fucking saves

plz accept dis in return




Why should the muslimic kalifat called out in any city of Germany? There is no reason at all!

Mudslimes seek power. Political Islam wants dominion over Europe and later the whole world.

Go in a mental hospital, dude. This is embarrasing yet.


Yeah, you can do this as well

>filthy, stinky mudslime detected
Have you fucked a goat today?


How about when the muzzen begins declaring beer illegal along with other alcoholic beverages?

No, but I fucked your mother



You've got to go back

>No, but I fucked your mother
I doubt that. My mother is a KKK member and shoots any nigger on sight.

I pray for this.


Are you always so embarrasing?


Most realistic of the bigger cities to proclaim a kaliphate will be either Dusseldorf oder Hamburg

>when you're over 100 years old and all you can do is repeat the same ancient meme on Sup Forums 15-50 times a day

Was soll die Hetze gegen Ostdeutsche immer? Das ist doch nur ne linke Nummer um den innerdeutschen Zusammenhalt zu schwächen. Typische Zeckentaktik.


If you were free like America, you could have that in every American home to protect yourself. But since you Eueofags are too chucked and stupid to get it, only Moslem rats get the weapons.

Where are you fuckers going to flee? You already chimped out over accepting foreigners who are fleeing.
I guess the rules change when whites are in trouble huh?

Bait of the day.. you think you are free in america? Ignorance is a bliss. Can you go out in any part of nature you want? No. You will get shot. You even have states forbiddibg fucking oral sex. You have crime, corruption and guns.

No OP here, but frankly I despise muslim "culture" even more than I despise the paranoid schizophrenic shithole Sup Forums, and I bet there are others who feel the same.
There are reasons people, including me, dislike muslims. I can talk about that IRL with only very few people, the rest will not understand.
As things are, many US-Americans dislike Blacks and Black "culture". I like to read about that from time to time and appreciate the humor. We don't have many Blacks or a Black subculture where I live so no hate. (I posted the racist IQ chart btw. but always do your own fact checking.)
I for once am grateful there are threads about sandniggers and niggers on Sup Forums.
I could live without the rabid antisemitism of the conspirotards though, that ideology doesn't make any sense to me and never will.

As opposed to whites who never who never bothered anybody?

>crime, corruption and guns

Yeah, because we're the only ones with those things, you eurocuck.

My country is on top 3 in in the world lacking those 3 components. We don't even have an orange president robbing us, make america average again

So two wrongs make it right?
Typical left-wing idiot.

so you have 0% crime?

Yeah, where do you live, Antarctica? Every country with people has all of those things. It's just either not as rampant or not as well known as others.

I hope he has been punished for that!