Any fellow Sup Forumstards cut?

Any fellow Sup Forumstards cut?
State reasons you started and reasons you continue.

started when i was like 13-14, grandad died and i got really depressed. I guess i continue cos there is nothing left to live for, the pain meake me feel alive but if i kms, my mothers' heart would break.

Rip man. Only reason i dont kms is becouse of not wanting to dissapoint dad even more.

attention from a thic sexy suicidal bitch

addiction... yes you can get high from it.


Post pic of bitch?

damn, i mean, i consider suicide but just rule it out, get my blade and get the sweet sweet pain. I recently got a hole in my leg from persuing parkour (damn that sounds gay) and i wasn't worrying, i was in bliss from the pain the pain just calmed me down i guess

Never did it. 2 gfs did. One did it cause of family issues the other for attention amd selfishness. Shit is dumb. Most people mutilate to get help, I was depressed and suicidal when I was a teenager but it was more sit with a gun for a while. I got help and haven't gone back yet.

Never got why people cut for attention

>presents me with image of scratches