Dubs decides what i say will post results. Make it an interesting one cucks

Dubs decides what i say will post results. Make it an interesting one cucks.

Imagine swiping right on this fat cunt

Lose weight cunt

i want you to release your bowels upon my open mouth

Do it OP

What was your salary as an offensive lineman?


why are you rolling something that already won


Because OP is a faggot who won't deliver anyways

i am so sorry but i am supposed to tell you that i am a sex offender. i am not anymore but i will go to jail if i dont tell you.


also do you eat ass like you eat doughnuts?



Ooh feisty one, I like you ;)

Please don't eat my ass.

sorry, autocorrect

this one

Ever had a fat 9 inch cock in your ass?

My bad, autocorrect*
I meant hello


I love you

What that mouth do? Besides scarf down 9 sticks of butter a night.

This kek


Haha oh jesus guys

Good luck finding it. Hell I'll give you $1 you find your benis
