I personally think it's pic related but what does /mu think?
ITT: /mu decides the best Bjork album
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Homogenic by far, I love its distant atmosphere, instrumentation, and lyrics better. It's probably because I relate to it too. I also love how she gets progressively crazier as the album runs. It's genius
Seconding Vespertine
Vespertine for me too
I made a strawpoll.
Its homogenic. None of the other albums come close.
Homogenic > vulnicura > post > biophilia > medulla > debut > volta
[spoiler]i havent heard vespertine
Why? Its one of the 4 essential albums (with debut, post and homogenic). Listen it now
Vespertine is the only Bjork album I like as a whole, I don't like the album cover tho
I wanted to vote vulnicura :/
First half is far superior
Alarm call and all is full of love are the best tracks tho
>tasteless pop song that could've been a radio hit
>some shitty version of a ballad
You giant fucking faggot.
you'll have to try harder than that
I listened to this today and it honestly blows anything else she's done in studio out of the water but as far as studio albums go Vespertine is my favorite
you should defiantly get on that its top 2 at least
The middle is superior Bachelorette, All Neon Like, 5 years, Immuture and Alarm Call
seconding vespertine
she's such a qtpie
>Vulnicura second best
>Biophilia not second worst
>benut second worst
I feel the same as op
It's Vespertine
Really wish Bjork would've expanded on that sound.
volta is best
Medulla. Veers a bit more strongly into abstract territory than usual for her but I adore the album's nighttime mood. It doesn't really have any of my absolute favorite songs from her but as an album I find myself the most consistently entranced by it. Oddly enough it's a lot like a stripped down, a capella Vespertine which actually isn't one of my favorites as that album, pretty as it is, tends to put me to sleep. I think Medulla's fantastic from top to bottom though and the most to my taste stylistically even if other albums have higher highs.
Why do people consistently rank Debut so low? It's an extremely solid pop album with a cohesive flow, and extremely memorable songwriting, but it's always ranked near the bottom with Volta.
MedĂșlla is objectively her best album.
Why does it always end up being between Homogenic and Vespertine in threads like these?
because plebs. medulla is the patrician choice.
Let's not get into pleb/patrician semantics.
I'm wondering this too
The only major con that I can think of is the subpar production
I think part of it might have to do with how dated it sounds. It reflects the dance music of the time, and it seems people are generally less lenient on albums that have the distinct sound of a certain era.
found the contrarian
Yeah, thats what I meant by the subpar production, but thats a good explanation on why it sounds like it does.
Although Debut has plenty of dance tracks that more than make up for the dates dancier tracks (ive only had a problem with Violently Happy tho), and some of these dance tracks like Crying are excellent
Homogenic > Medulla > Vulnicura > Vespertine > Debut > Post > Volta > Biophilia
Vespertine > Biophilia > Medulla > Vulnicura > Volta > Homogenic > Debut > Post
Of course, that's how I feel, which is why I wonder why people rate it so low.
Could you explain why you rank Debut so low?
>Could you explain why you rank Debut so low?
sounds like Madonna
I don't dislike Madonna, but I don't want them to sound like each other
Is that all?
it's her least intriguing album, but at least it's better than post
Yeah, it's very straightforward, but that's what I think makes it so solid. Very catchy, memorable rhythms and melodies that help amplify her voice, and the positive feelings of the lyrics.
wow actually an awful rating
what's yours?
Homogenic > Debut > Vespertine > Post > Medulla > Vulnicura >>> Biophilia >> Volta
I hate it when multiple > are used.
well, at least I formed my own opinion
good to hear
multiple brackets help describe the ranking imo
What makes Biophilia second best to you?
Anyone who loves Homogenic is my friend forever.
Also: Vespertine Live >>>>> Homogenic >> Vespertine > Vulnicura > Medulla > Debut > Post > Volta > Selmasongs > Biophilia
THANK YOU Vespertine Live needs more respec
Live albums need more respect in general.
user is allergic to melodies! Noodly pretty sounds all night long and no songs as such. Bork hasn't written a good tune for about a decade
All of her songs are melodic as fuck. What are you on about?
Yes again
>I haven't heard Vespertine.
Come back when you have. What are you doing?
Yes, but no
It's brilliant but I slightly prefer the more reclusive feel of the studio version
I love Debut but I just don't think it's as good as her best stuff. It's better than Post though.
Because Vespertine is the best and Homogenic is like a water shed point in her career.
MedĂșlla is fantastic, but not liking it doesn't make you a pleb.
What about Homogenic Live?
Care to explain why Vespertine is the best?
Her live albums are all worth listening too
That ones the best tho
Homogenic live is great too
I listened to vespertine. Its good. First impression puts it between vulnicura and post.