Hows your alcohol addictions going Sup Forums?

Hows your alcohol addictions going Sup Forums?

Pretty drunk tonight here

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Had one beer last week, and only had that one because I had it leftover from when I had a friend come visit.

Don't think I'm addicted.

Sup Forums sure has changed

Best beer

You're drinking beer? Switch to hard liquor man, do you have all the time in the world or something?

I dont drink alcohol, it is bad for your body

going fine user, got off work early so im pretty buzzed by 6pm. how are you?

I mean yeah, it does take a hell of a time to get drunk in beer. But it's the best kind of drunk. I guess, I just love beer

Have been drunk for almost half a year I think, not on the job of course, but as soon as I get home (y)

I gave up the sauce awhile ago. Getting too old to drink regularly.