China invented beer


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I don't think it's saying they invented it, just that it's the oldest remains found in China. The article mentions that the grains relevant to the discovery might have entered China from the West with foreknowledge that the grains are useful for brewing.

>invent brewing
>couldn't invent a fork

Oldest known brewery doesn't mean the Chinese invented beer.

No the Egyptians had beer.

It's known that the Egyptians "invented" fermentation, mostly by accident.

I guess that's one more for the niggers to add to their WE WUZ list.

Forks are dangerous! People keep stabbing each other. Ban them! Everyone must eat with chopsticks.

> Stop stabbing each other with chopsticks!
> Yuan invasion
> Mongol Empire
> Chopsticks spread from fork-banning China.

Whoever invented beer does not matter.
What does matter is, that the Germans are the only one who invented GOOD BEER.

Seriously, wasn't it something like that?

I mean, they banned knives for eating, which is where chopsticks came in.

China invented the knife bin

wayne just kinda has that unsettling look about him

Meh, I like ours better.

topkek this beer is like coors light compared to real american IPAs

egyptian beer dates back to 5000bc and china had it in 7000bc apparently

Sumerians were brewing barley before gypos. They even invented writing and law to protect their right to get loaded.

Neither of you have ever had Guiness

>Seeing the leaf flag

>Seeing the Americunt flag
>Laugh even more

Niggers, you can't deny it:
German beer is the only WHITE beer.
Come here to Germany and drink some beer with us, after that, your beer will taste like piss water.

Try Guiness before talking shit Mehmet

You're living in the past.

I have tried it.
And you get a compliment from me.

Its the only non German beer that tastes good.

Why are you talking about Guinness as if it's not one of the most popular beers on Earth?

every agrarian society that left grain out in the rain to get wet and ferment "invented" beer. meh

I really hate Guinness. I really do. I've tried to enjoy it, multiple times, but I just can't get used to it. It has a special kind of flavor that is just so hard to enjoy. It's think, bitter, and the flavor just sticks with you. At least with hoppy IPAs the bitterness is "light" or washes away quickly. With Guinness it feels more like a film which coats your mouth and just sticks around for a little too long. Guinness also has a heaviness that sticks with you. When you gulp a mouthful it really feels like you've got a mouthful of a smoothie or something. With other beers the feeling of a gulp is much lighter.

Basically I personally just don't like it. Personally, I gave up drinking altogether about a year ago though, so I have no desire to try again.

What's with the Guinness obsession in this thread? Is it plastic paddys?

I feel like I need to grit my teeth when I drink Guinness

German wheat beer is top tier, but we have you beat in real ales

>Not knowing that China invented the fork.

Almost every big civilization had a form of beer, fermented shit is not really a hard science. Even Aztecs had a corn based beer.

Totally 2016 beer, Ameribro!

Ugh, those Germans are always on about the past, the current year matters!


You are the gayest poster since gay came to Gaytown.

This, it's difficult to even form a civilization without getting beer at some point. As soon as you start storing grain you start opening the possibility of fermentation.

Tried a Fat Tire by New Belgium? Popular enough to be in most liquor stores.

Idk I some times worry that I act like that, but I just enjoy Guinness sometimes, even then Id rather have an amber ale like fat tire or a irish red

Your people are still pulque swilling bastards. Pretty admirable.

Wine and beer are things that you literally cannot not invent if you're farming grapes or grains in enough volume that you need to store them.

Your shit is going to get wet, and left to its own devices, it ferments.

It's going to be a really shitty brew if you let it get exposed to air unrestricted, but you don't know any different.

We literally didn't have the ability to make non-alcoholic grape juice until the late 1800s when that faggot welch ruined it.

>couldn't invent the fork
>but they invented the fork


dude fat tire hive mind

It's the only decent macrobrew that's widely available.

I agree, Guinness isn't even that bitter or stouty. It's just effeminate Irish shit.

I drink Breakfast Stout, it's much more alcoholic and I have it for breakfast, because I'm a man, and men drink beer for breakfast.

I know what I'm eating with my eggs from now on.

>German beer is the only WHITE beer.
Not rolling with America's Oldest Brewery

> America's Oldest Brewery
> Dosent think it was founded by Germans

Friendly reminder that people who disparage stout/pale/etc in favour of their preferred beer are pretentious hipster fags/wannabe manly men.

All beers have flaws and merits, taste is subjective, so drink your beer and shut up you little girls.

Light beer is for fags though

pretty delicious looking Lager


I thought that everybody knew that all the good Germans left?

The good germans came back to make your space program

And all they get from their head start is tsing Tao?

>American brewery
>German word Lager on it
>Topkek 1945

Leavened bread, not fermentation. Fermentation is one of the earliest inventions of any culture. It's down there with fire and wooden tools.

Malting grain is a little more advanced, but only a little bit.

They still got malt liquor

Simply the BEST

Every single civilisation ever had beer.

who need them when you have chopstick.


At least Sup Forums knows that beer (like everything else that is good) was invented by Aryan intellectuals from Atlantis.

>Poo in Loos
You're thinking of the Lower mainland bro,_British_Columbia#Demographics

chopsticks are way more dignified, aesthetic, healthy (hand motor skills), and sanitary

sorry, but anyone in here who really thinks that an IPA is the best beer is the world is a fucking moron.

Do you also hate Cilantrol and Juniper Berries? I noticed people that hate IPA's hate both

This. IPAs are ok. But they are not a clean lager or a malty stout.

why have I been seeing posts in the last few weeks saying stout is a bitch drink? is this some kind of new bait like well done steak?