Post the absolute cutest image you have on your harddrive

Post the absolute cutest image you have on your harddrive




Is that Captain Crunch in the style of Super Mario? Adorbs




i have a lot of cute pictures and i really don't know which is the cutest


I lost this picture for years but only recently just re-found it.

cutest picture in existence IMO





Most recent thing would have to be this. I have so many cats on my iPad yall





















sheeven says
>im sorry
haha, i remember when this gif was new too.
fuck i've been here far too long


cute racist nationalists





With the way this world is eating itself they have every rational right to be xenophobic.





I even titled it as such.



There's something really nice about this.






can't believe no one evened yet.


Get Shrekt







Are we ignoring this what the fuck is that

My fuck

I'm sure it's harml-


Ok i awwwed you win










wasps arnt cute, they look gross up close plus they can sting you



Gee, Billy, your mom lets your dad have TWO weiners?










Koume cutest





