I had this weird lsd experience with a friend a few months back that I can't explain. So me and my friend had taken a "125"ug tab of acid each. We were watching youtube videos and also taking nitrous oxide. After awhile my trip started to go south and i seen this black demonic arm come out from behind the tv and shake the entire tv set. Sat there thinking wtf just happened my mate screams did you just fucking see that arm shake the tv. I looked at my mate in shock thinking he can see it too which then led to a spiral of really bad trips with demons ect. After the trip ended which was the most terrifying thing I experienced I talked to my mate and both our faces dropped when we fount out we were experiencing the exact same hallucinations every detail and aspect was the exact same to the key. Has anyone had a shared hallucination or could explain how and why this happened.
I had this weird lsd experience with a friend a few months back that I can't explain...
You guys were tripping so hard that you dont remmeber that you guys told eachother what was happening.
My best guess is the Lsd made you both more aware of each other and "synch up". You were probably experiencing the same things as you were talking about it, while also creating false memories. The Lsd made you unaware or unattached to the point were you look to each other for structure. The reason it went south in the first place is probably because one of you has some unresolved demons.
Fake and gay. Sounds like a canned fake trip story by someone who's never actually done Lsd.
>>We were tripping and started seeing demons and shit.
Bullshit. 125ug is pussy dose. No fuckin way you saw reality shifting like that on 125ug.
It is pretty common to experience similar things if you're in the exact same scenario as someone else, and you have been for the duration of the trip.
Memory is pretty malleable - 'filling in the blanks' may have happened as you recounted the experience afterwards.
Don't fret, demons are not actually coming to steal your soul!
Don't listen to this user. They're oblivious.
I had a mind bending experience on half a tab + a gram of weed. Most vivid experience I've ever had, despite being a fraction of many of my other trips in terms of dosage.
$5 says you fags ate 25i-nbome and not lsd
Not entirely true. You have have adverse reactions to different things. I experienced weird shit on marijuana alone. It all depends on a person's mental state and possibly a predisposition for schizophrenia
Half a tab. Not a fuckin chance pal. Talking to me like I don't know my shit, since January I've consumed roughly 200 tabs of lsd-25, ald-52, and 1p-lsd. Lsd-25 and ald-52 I've done together at a combined dose of 600ug.