I need help Sup Forums

I need help Sup Forums
Other than a tattoo, how can I remember something forever.
Like a short phrase.
I want to remember it every day when I first wake up.
It will save my life.

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What's the phrase?

just post on Sup Forums every day. every day you will get to remember: OP is a faggot.

Write it down, stick sheet of paper to your fridge.

Record yourself saying it.
Set the alarm on your phone.
Make it use that as the sound.

cut both your legs and do it because you wanted to remember that phrase

every time you wake up you'll ask yourself why you did what you did. Then you'll remember. If being bounded to a wheelchair every day for the rest of your life saves your life, so be it

This. What's the phrase?

This would work very well.

Maybe also try a loose rubber band around your dick before you go to bed. The alarm is probably safer though.

The phrase is
"I will not fall"

Tie a tripwire across your bedroom doorway with this phrase attached to it with a post-it. You'll both remember the phrase because it's written, and because you follow it when you avoid the tripwire and don't fall.


Attach a banner or sticker with the phrase to the ceiling right over your bed, or in the parameter of where you usually face when you wake up. If it grabs your attention enough, it'll be the first thing you see every morning.

you stupid fuck wasted all these precious memory sectors and anons seconds to memorize this shitty phrase?

Fuck is wrong with you? Autistic motherfucker son of a bitch piece of shit

Not OP but wtf, chill. You don't know the story

Thank you

Short version is addiction.
And if that's the first thing I think when I wake up it will help a lot.

no, i won't shill. This is not going to save ops life.

literally, you could hear the phrase first thing every morning, but 3 hours later this weak fucker is going to be getting od'ed.

Want help? Go see a therapist. Grow a pair.

gr8 b8

Because when I remember the phrase I'll do something that will "replace" the addiction.
Something positive instead of destructive.
When I start my day with this mindset, I will be able to resist the "drug".
Unless certain circumstances come into play, but occasion relapse is tolerable as opposed to now.

Paint it on the ceiling above your bed. That way the phrase "I will not fall" has symbolism. If your walls are strong enough then you can't fall.

what are you addicted to?

It's complicated

Several destructive sources.

Best of luck to you, OP.


you know we both have time

Get a penis tattoo on your penis