The fuck is wrong with my finger skin?

the fuck is wrong with my finger skin?

That's eczema bruh

Probably finger aids


best treatment?

go see a doctor you need drugs

fuck, not again

Irritation caused by chemical contact without wear protective gloves. Wash hand thoroughly and wear protective equipment. If irritation persists for longer than 2 days you need to go to a dermatologist or another medical professional.


Probably should go to a doctor to get some ointment

Did you finger some gnarly vagene?

Topical creams usually. Cheap and effective prescriptions are available. Usually flares up on my hands a few times a year. Super easy to get under control though. Flare ups last like 4 to 5 days max if you use the topicals.

This kills the finger

That's definitely leprosy

it starts off as little bumps that are super itchy then they pop and ends up like the pic. usually a couple times a year after my hands get really sweaty


Exactly what happens to me as well. Definitely eczema. No real worries, but if you don't have prescriptions, just use unscented moisturizers to help cut down on the itch and flake.

thats the first sign of AIDS
you should get tested asap
it will move up your arm and down to your feet, you may be able to stop it before it reaches HIV positive if you cut that hand off

You need working hands

pee pee pee pee pee pee poo poo


poo poo pee pee

XD XD pee pee poo poo



Aids obviously.

Easily cured with following procedure:
Insert your finger inside your asshole for a min of 4 hours, do one finger or as many as you like at a time

>Sees dry skin starting to peel off on finger
>Picks at it
>Gets worse
>Keeps Picking at it
>Doesn't stop and instead use lotion daily
>Asks what's wrong
OP's a fucking faggot

Wash your hands with Listerine once a day. This will clear up in a month.

same answer here bruh eczema
i suffer this shit and is a shit sometimes
its a chronic disease, just dont use chemical that leave your hands too dry i. e. thinner avoid it, use any ointment whit aloe vera and you will be fine

i have that. it works for regular dry hands but not for this

Too much fingerbang in your asshole

that's MRSA faggot, better get treatment or it's gonna spread to your organs and kill you

too much fapping bruh. need to use other hand until leftie heals.

Wtf have you never heard of lotion you scumbag?

Chem burn.
Cure is salt bath or ocean
Judging by the latter and paper towels in the back round.
Been there.
Done that.

If it's eczema
use chickweed ointment and oil like coconut oil if you don't wanna see a doctor, doctor can give medicated ointment though

Lotion would make it worse genius

Lotion will further dry it out