What the fuck happened to this board?

What the fuck happened to this board?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mods allowing porn to be posted in Sup Forums instead of its PROPER FUCKING BOARD /s/.

Sup Forums is basically a porn board now, and I wouldn't be surprised if the mods are the ones starting those god damn threads.


The fappening happened and then Sup Forums had a massive influx of normies.

You happen

Why is the board so shit compared to 8 years ago?

I concur...seems like they let the faggot floodgates open and they all came here. No more borderline CP threads anymore, no more KYS dares. It's like Hiroyuki brought all his faggot ching things over and monitor Sup Forums to death

because people grow up, move on, and find better or new things.

>risky cp clicks
>kys dares
Ah the good old days

Faggot detected......fuck off Moot, you were fired.

I miss the time when you could hide files in the images.

I miss moot


He's right tho, Sup Forums Is a cesspool and it's only getting worse by the day. Too many porn threads and cock threads.

it was like this well before the fappening

Yes, but the fappening definitely was the final blow.

White knight reddit faggot normies came over because they thought it was cool.

They were NOT ready for what this place actually was.

Like the self entitled little faggots they are, they started throwing tantrums and eventually some became mods.

The new generation of cringey 15 year olds that inhabit this site

It's a hit or miss with Sup Forums really, current events draw attention, then massive influx happens, some are good posters, but mostly cancer shit, then they either bail or stay if they're retarded enough, while oldfags get out in dissapoint, but you see one or three good threads a week
I don't think it can be fixed or be like it was before, even less with the ching chong on board, but it can only adapt. I can see porn/hentai being a problem, cancer shitposts are too many, ylyl are plagued with shit and reposts, rekt is all the same and with edgy cunts who just start thread after thread without checking the catalog, then there's a small fraction margin for good OC and entertaining shit, which is the one that should be encouraged, we all want quality posts, but if it's going to be buried among all that shit, it may not be even worth trying.

I have been posting on Sup Forums since 2005
And I can tell you what happened.
Until Chanology the board was relatively unknown.
The media publicised it in news broadcasts about anonymous and chanology. The board suddenly got thousands more posts a day. After 201/2011 it was getting so many posts that nobody had time to create OC anymore in response to posts within a thread. By the time the OC was posted the thread had reached image and post limits.
This brought about two big changes - the quality of thought behind the lulz had gone and OC was rarely made. Now the board is full of porn, no humour, and not at all like Sup Forums used to be. even r9k is suffering a brain drain

yeah. completely random. and to much porn. how about a explicit Sup Forums for porn. /born/ for instance.

b was never good

i dont know how many times this can be repeated


/bant/ has been a pretty good alternative

thats a load of shit for a start. Sup Forums was absolutely fuckin hilarious when there was time for people to create and post Original content while a thread was still open. Sup Forums was good. This whole shit about Sup Forums never being good was started around 2010 by the boxxy posters. You probably dont even remember the cancer wars though you fucking noob twat

split Sup Forums into parallel continent sections?


i was here since 2004, b was never good

it has always been filled with idiots like you, and threads like these


the catalog feature changed Sup Forums a lot


only newfags will find this funn- oh wait

I fucked your wife


They banned raids.

Even in 2015 it was better. Then the cancerous bullshit like dick rate threads, le ebin log of shit spammer, MILFs by zip code, WWYD, celebrity threads with the same fucking images, and other assorted bullshit proliferated. Even the annoying atheism spammer wasn't as bad.

>Even the annoying atheism spammer wasn't as bad.

lol. hi.



Honestly i suggest all the oldfags united and start raiding 4 chan

Shut up Pajeet


This gets said a lot, but I don't think people realize how true it is. I've spoken with 2 btards outside of the board and they really were 16 years old. I'm pretty sure this is now the average age for a poster.


People get too old to deal with the bullshit.
So they do other things instead.
Like collecting steam games we don't play.

Also, don't listen to gaylords like this.
Sup Forums has had many many good times.
There's a reason these threads keep popping up.

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it happens man get over it
everything ever will die






If you say so.


What the actual fuck... who gives a fuck if they banned it . that does not mean they can stop the raid at ots fully shitless potential




global warming made it perpetually summer in here



nice dubs


Everything is now either classed as vegan or edgy.


please kill yourself

jokes on you faggot
im already dead inside

See you guy earlier. I'm going back to the old Sup Forums.


Well since Sup Forums porn can we start a asian thread ?

gen x got replaced by faggoty millenials.

things that used to be great an epic have been made totally cringey now.

think about all the poser v for vendetta anonymous shit that's going to get posted next sunday.

they have taken everything sacred, consumed it, and regurgitated it repeatedly, and now it sucks. and there has been nothing to replace it that was of the same quality of the original.

Sup Forums is all xerox'd memes, bananas, and loser porn consisting of dicks, creep shots, celbrities, furries (except on fridays), and fb stalkers.

i miss caturday.


Nice, I second.

>Generation Z taken over


nothing heppen it always succ

A little of this and a lot less lurking.

reddit happened

Porn. Sage disabled. Data mining contracts, and the next generation of idiots.

How are you anin?

how can you say this, yet still be here? are you having an identity crisis or just like torturing yourself?

b has never been good but it got worse and worse and now it's completely shit. there is zero lulz here. no clever shit. nothing orginal. SAD!