Think about it Sup Forums do you want to spend the rest of your life having to take insulin injections or be hooked up to a dialysis machine? Then stop consuming sugar and cola!
Think about it Sup Forums do you want to spend the rest of your life having to take insulin injections or be hooked up...
That doesn't even bring up all the damage to your teeth or liver that the sugar does.
It's not what you're drinking, it's the amount....
People who drink 3-4 colas a day, or worse 3-4 2-liters with every meal, are of COURSE going to get fat as shit, addicted to the artificial sweeteners in the "diet" and "zero calorie" versions, and probably diabetes...
But having a soda every week or so isn't going to hurt you...
Thanks but no thanks
Adults Drinking Soda fucking wake up
That's why I switched to Dr. Pepper
Hush now child. Everything i enjoy is in moderation. As long as i always eat right, drink water and exercise I'll never have to stop enjoying a refreshing ass coke. P.s. I'm omnivorous you vegan faggots itt.
How old are you ?
nigga life's too short to give a shit about what I drink.