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FUCK OFF I live in Barcelona, this doesn't represent me. So now I live in a separated country from my friends who live in Madrid, Bilbao... Unbelievable


y u oppress tho

Looking forward to getting drunk tonight and watching Spanish tanks rolling up in Catalonia

True, get back to fap threads where you belong while history is happening through your eyes.


So disappointed right now. But of course noone cares. Nationalism winning in the 21st century? Wtf I thought that was not a modern thing.

Ur about to be bombed.. move to madrid.

lol like catalonia can get away from spain lmao... bombs away!

Soy un ciudadano español y estoy viviendo este conflicto en directo. Lo que ocurre es que Cataluña ha declarado la independencia de manera ilegal, por lo tanto el Gobierno va a aplicar un artículo de la Constitución (155) la cual suprime el poder del presidente de Cataluña y volverá a la normalidad. Todos los participantes en este delito irán a la cárcel. O bien ocurriría una Guerra Civil.

1/10 English

Cataluña can hallucinate as much as it wants. Its "independence" doesn't mean shit. Spain is the boss and it won't let it.

>Soy un ciudadano español y estoy viviendo este conflicto en directo

Callad la boca gillipollas. A nadie le interesa lo que vos vives o no.

Esa sería la situación idílica, pero los dos sabemos que no va a pasar esto. La declaración de independencia que acaba de tener lugar demuestra la cabezonería del parlamento catalán que no se va a quedar expectante contra la imposición del 155. Espero que no, pero esto apunta a un conflicto importante.

you proved my point

Populism and nationalism are winning ground because most western people are doing well and are retarded enough to think all their little problems are caused by others. Just wait till the world gets divided enough to start wars. Real problems will cause people to get together again.

as always. We are condemned to repeat the same mistakes over and over

thats history nothing changes it just repeats with nicer guns and dumber people

until we can't continue any more, couse you know there will be noone

Ok and?? What does that mean is gunna happen? What next? Someone details please

ANYONE. Got a link to a live feed to follow the event??

No One knows, not even them! That's the problem!

after 4 years of history studying, the one thing you learns is people dont learn

>maquina de reproduccion de la ideologia
It's in catalan, you won't understand shit but it's something

np thx

C'mon that's Bs. Really? WTF is even the point. they bored or something?

Where are you from user? And what is your opinion on this matter if I may ask.


Unless some real country acknowledges you, you're nothing

proving that Quebec are just a bunch of pussies

I also live in a country separate from my friends in Stuttgart, Amsterdam and Milan and that's no bother. The concept of countries is obsolete in the UE

Spain is about to war on your ass...

They need to be acknowledged by other countries or they will be still Spain. Even if that happens, Spain can control the territory because they have 0 military... IF they get away with this, they will face life outside UE, life with no money from Spain and a lot of debt (that will be asked of them in international courts) and with serious boicots of their products in all Spain.

just much as I respect their movement i dont understand why spain didn't squash their wetdream with military presence from the start anyhow being the most productive and wealthy region of the country they have no chance of success

They declared independence under an illegal referendum per Spain's constitution. Spain will force economic sanctions and the EU will get behind them. This will make it practically impossible for Catalonia to operate autonomously. They will be a political pariah and an economic vaccum.

Feel sorry for you, but you know, I think that powerful European's people thinks: "Ceterum censeo Catalunya esse delendam"... Be careful, Sup Forumsbro. And good luck.

Catalonia? WTF is this?

nigger spain gettting cuck'd by catalonia lol

Spain is going to shut down the government & impose direct rule. The USA wouldn't allow California to declare independence, Spain shouldn't allow Catalonia to do it either. WTF is Catalonia's problem anyway?

This could cause a civil war.

american fatass detected

A really independent Catalonia IS NOT part of the UE, they have just declared their independence both from Spain and the UE (because Spain is in the UE, not its regions, if you are not Spain anymore, you are not UE)

Didn't Texas do that??


Fucking lol! I'm dying right now. Just wait for international recognition :))))
LMAO, when two weeks from now half of the catalan parliament is in jail.
Takes a special kind of stupid to do this, but then again, they're catalans, so no surprises here.

So much this!!! The first beer is on me OP!


They are (were) rich and don't want to share anymore with the poor regions of the country.
So the catalonian bourgeoisie is been moving this for a while to keep being rich.

Yeah, then we annexed them back in the Union. They did it very early on. 1830s

The Catalans are the next idiots, after the British and the Americans, that believe stupid propaganda and take fake statements for the truth.
Somebody tells you the fairytale that " you pay to much and by acting alone you will be so much better... And if course you deserve this, because you are superior..."
What a bullshit!

In a time where less and less ppl are filled by the stupid concept of flags, nations and patriotism some retarded want to go back to the past.
You all are

now mostly annexed by mexico or rather mexicans

de veritat creieu que hi haura una guerra civil en europa en el segle 21? no enviaran a tots els membres del parlament a la preso perque unaltre vegada, estem en ple segle 21, no se que pasara pero segons la mev opinio el que es segur es que no hi haura una guerra civil ni un empresonament exagerat
d'unaltre banda dir que per mi, els cabrons dels liders mundials son en part europeus, i aligual que trump o hitler, van anar en contra del poder establert, dels jueus, rotschild, etc, avuiel parlment tambe ha enviat a la merda el govern mundial per intentar crear un nou pais sense aquestes influencies

Right or wrong your statement shines with your lack of education and cultural knowledge.
Simply STFU

your dumb ass city will remain dependent on mother Spain. You all will be proven to be just another publicity stunt.

Yo, ma' nigga, english in this thread! Nobody speaks shitalan or cares to learn it for that matter.

Every 5cm you should use a comma, if you do not know the other rules

Estando en el siglo XXI y aún no hemos entendido que la independencia unilateral de mis huevos morenos es ser el niño que se lleva el balón para que no juegue nadie más. No han entendido la democracia.

Ta gueule crisse de con

8inch in your mom

Like the French nationalists you really believe that your big culture is so important that everybody learns your stupid languages?

Gabachos no, eh.

i didnt said im independentist, dont look for enemies, im just sharing my opinion

If Spain were a good dictatorial state that people will be executed by tomorrow. Too sad that don't gonna happen

No one cares what a bunch of Spanish fags are doing.

As a matter of fact French and Spanish culture is important. dumb ass basement dweller

es Sup Forums lol

Go back to your cuck threads already!

Please shine some light on all of us. Care to explain how an illegal vote of less than 50% of the electorate in a poll where there were reports of people voting as much as six times during the same day is in any way shape or form binding?
It's just mesmerising that after all the stealing, I mean "voting", the independence supporters did, they didn't manage to announce that 50% of the electorate participated.
In any part of EU that's a null referendum. Not in catalunia. That's somehow a binding referndum.

No doubt. But the French see it superior to others. Spain has a great culture, but I was referring to Catalan as a language

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend your useless spain dependent ass? Get educated! English, motherfucker!
Oh, and one more thing: iQue viva España!

Pff tampoco tenían manera de hacer por una vía legal: en cuanto pidieran permiso para hacer el referendum, el gobierno les iba a decir NO, y hale, a seguir pastando.

Igualmente no defiendo nada de lo que está pasando. Se va a liar gorda, pero lo bueno es que nos libraremos de la 3ª guerra mundial

go home! you foreigner,

Simple, life isn't fair nor is the world we created for ourselves. OWNED. ciao

Que viva, pero bien lejos xD

A mi me parece una mierda de independecia. No ha habido muertos, ni unas escaramuzas, ni trincheras, ni guerrilla, ni han cortado cabezas, ni un poco de sangre ni na. Una mierda como un piano. Coño ya. Pa declarar asi la independencia k se hubieran kedao en casa.

maybe you should go home...

You are a single person, an individual, so are you important in your own view? Anyhow they've got gorgeous women over there.

catalan? You mean that shit language that is an unholy mix of Spanish, French and Romanian? That language that sounds like a drunk Romanian gipsy that spent the last ten years in Spain and all of a sudden tries to speak French? Yeah... nobody gives a shit about that.

I wrote in French, you worthless piece of shit. French Canadian to be exact. bitch

Owned? It's the best laugh I had in a couple of days. Speaking of which, give it a couple of days and come back to us with the "owned" part.
By that time, you'll be importing oxygen from Madrid :)))

>inb4 germany remilitarizes the rhineland
>inb4 russia turns communist again
>inb4 Italy gets fascist head of state again

My apologies, then. I don't know if you got the memo, but French died as a global language about 200 years ago, so nobody gives a shit.
In the words of great Samuel L. Jackson: "English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?"

Vancouver here so nowhere near

this, might be a fun night

If you think long and hard there's probably a way to blame millenials for this.

iEn hora buena! Después de ese voto los vais a tener bien cercaditos :)))

Nice quote brah. So grandiose of you

I said "French", as in the language, not the country. Do try to keep your ignorant ass up to speed.

Go to do a siesta kid it's too early for you to be in internet

>mfw Spanish and French people still think they're relevant

I know!!! Imagine my face when some God forgotten region of Spain expects international recognition :))))

Lets fucking hope so

¿Cataluña tiene apoyo militar o simplemente son civiles odiosos?

Didn't you forget to say "sorry"? How rude...

¿Apoyo militar? Pues sí. Hay un montón de palomas en Barcelona y muchas gatas sueltas por la calle.

I speak french, english, spanish and german. Did you know that german is what french is to english? 4 words to 1 with subtleties creating a rich language. Don't read much poetry, right? biatch

Cuando alguien te empieza a hablar de Cataluña pero tú solo quieres enseñar el pene

desoler/my bad ;p

Aber naturlich, Schlampe. Wrong guy to pick on, motherfucker. I speak English, Spanish and German. As in I lived in both Spain and Germany and although I hated it, I studied French for 10 years, so I understand a lot of French.
I do prefer to stick to English on public forums, though. Makes it easier for everybody to follow.
Anything else your ignorat ass desires to know?