What's illegal but not enforced?

What's illegal but not enforced?

your mom giving rimjobs at the ball park

illegal immigration

Illegal immigration

Illegal immigration

illegal immigration

pot and pot accessories

Spitting on the sidewalk is a class C minor infraction of the law, punishable by a $250.00 fine or one night in jail.
No shit.

Prostitute yourself on the boulevard


OP having a sex life

Well in my county it's illegal to spit on the edge of a street corner. Needless to say it's not enforced.
Also you have to have a leash on your pet elephant...

thats not illegal wft r u talking about
fuck off

Your BMI.

no more jokes about me.
be original

Why are you uploading these pictures?
this ant Sup Forums you faggot this is 9gag

Bestiality is illegal.

well its n ot illegal 4 u to go FUCK urself!!!

>posts fugmug on Sup Forums
>can smell the mountain dew and $40 gram ditch weed through the picture
>cries like prepubescent, overdeveloped cumshot
>expects to be taken seriously


I don t expect shit just post things that ar illegal but not enforced asshta

which country faggot?

This site

Skateboarding in a Boom Boom Fattie Zone.

Hahaha holy fuck look at those sausage link fingers hahahaahahaha have you ever accidentally bit one thinking it was food in your hand god damn son put down the fork.

Having a gf

How is this site illegal? Find me the law source it.

Illegal immigration and sodomy.

smoking at bus stops

Owning a ferret in California

Rape and murder

All crimes are unenforced if you don't get caught.

Get out you under aged b& faggot

Oh god you're back

I'm 25. (old pics from my best days)
I'm the king of Sup Forums

You need to come around more. The place isn't the same without you.

Yeah.. but its now full of newfags who dont know & insult me

4channers dont worship me anymore as they used to

You just need to come on here more often with good threads like this one.

Illegal but not enforced, like companies that misrepresent their products and violations of child labor laws?

yeah, like that
thanks. its nice to see that i still have my following

Illegal to sell turtles in my home state, but they have them at pet shows.

Jaywalking in some areas, no statute here.

Failure to yield also on the books here, but used to give a person after a car wreck rather than actually “failing to yield”.

Blowjobs are on the books as illegal in this state as well. Basically any sex as not between a man and a woman in the missionary position is on the books here

Give a person a ticket after*


Would Piracy be one of them?


reposting shit from /r/askreddit

farting in an elevator

not illegal

and its enforced by fgts like u

Illegal immigration

Tits or gtfo faggot

Holy shit it's the beast! Fuck swagfags, in with the old school out with the new.