Taylor Swift just released a single called "Ready For It" yesterday

Taylor Swift just released a single called "Ready For It" yesterday.
One of the lines of the lyrics read as follows:

And we'll move to an island-and
And he can be my jailer, Burton to this Taylor

Jezebel is currently in an uproar over this. They are angry at Taylor Swift for making a song about having a rape fantasy.
They want the single banned for promoting rape culture.

The lyrics seem to suggest that when she's alone at night, she fantasizes about being raped.

I'm answering only because trips but jailer doesn't mean rape just domination. Anyone angered by this can fuck off.

that's not a rape fantasy you regurgitating worthless faggot OP
just wants to be tied up and have stuff done to her like 99% of woman on the planet. doesn't mean it isn't consensual

Anything a jailer does to a prisoner sexually isn't consensual.

true, but that doesnt mean she cant fantasize about it you oppressive shitlord

True, but when millions of adolescent girls look up to you as a role model, you should keep those fantasizes to yourself.

May be legally true, but actually true? No. Consent can be given by anyone to anyone at anytime. YOU Do not get to speak for other peoples regarding them giving someone else consent.

Are you slut shaming? Shouldn't she be allowed to own her own sexuality?

Ya, much better to have those girls listen to Ariana sing "dick bicycle"

>Consent can be given by anyone to anyone at anytime.
This just isn't true. A woman cannot give consent while she is intoxicated.
This isn't just merely my opinion, it's the law.

I do not believe in censoring yourself because the world is too sensitive. IF these young girls are so impressionable and Tswift is such an issue then their parents should prevent them from seeing her content. Otherwise shes entitled to do whatever the fuck she wants just like anyone else.
Attached is a picture of a woman Ive slept with. Im sharing it without her consent because Im hoping it will bother you.

Again, "may be legally true", but actually true? No. That IS an opinion, almost all laws are opinion based. Opinion that murder, rape, and theft are wrong, opinion that women are weaker either physically( which is true pretty much) or mentally ( which isnt true ). Wrong and right are a matter of opinion.

Maybe the adolescent girls shouldn't be idolizing someone like her. They should idolize someone with talent, auto tune is not a talent

So a guy can give consent when hes drunk then and it counts?
Also prisoners aren't probably intoxicated due to the whole no paraphernalia in prisons. I know. Its crazy

>Again, "may be legally true", but actually true?
The rape culture incarnate.

You are absolutely correct, everything including laws are based off popular opinions.


But a man can? Seems awfully sexist... if it’s not sexist and a man can’t consent either, what happens if two drunk people have sex? They both rape each other? Your claim is nonsense

new york:
S 130.50 Criminal sexual act in the first degree.
A person is guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree when he
or she engages in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with
another person:
1. By forcible compulsion; or
2. Who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless

S 130.35 Rape in the first degree.
A person is guilty of rape in the first degree when he or she engages
in sexual intercourse with another person:
1. By forcible compulsion; or
2. Who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless;

S 130.05 Sex offenses; lack of consent.
1. Whether or not specifically stated, it is an element of every
offense defined in this article that the sexual act was committed
without consent of the victim.
2. Lack of consent results from:
(a) Forcible compulsion; or
(b) Incapacity to consent;
S 130.00 Sex offenses; definitions of terms.
The following definitions are applicable to this article:
7. "Physically helpless" means that a person is unconscious or for any
other reason is physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an

etc, etc.

i feel like i've gotten an STD from just looking at that girl. without the tats, she'd actually be sexy. i dont mind tats, but the way she has them set up is just trashy looking.

Define rape real quick so I can destroy your bleeding heart feminazi argument please. Im a logic your pussy off.

petri dish

I’m outraged and signed the petition to get it banned thanks for informing me of this atrocity. Fake feminist trump loving bitch can kiss my ass.

Weird.. Nothing about prisoners incarcerated, verbal rape or men looking at women... And I don't think men are raping women in the streets in droves... Define rape culture.

So let’s say you have a girlfriend who’s wildly aroused at being tied down and taken advantage of. Let’s say that she requested it specifically with zero prompting from me. I follow through with her request, including blindfolding (her idea), gagging (her idea) and her request that I don’t stop unless she uses a safe word (her idea). I consent to this and we have a fantastic time. This happens weekly.

Is this rape culture?

Well I didn't put them there and the puss was tight so meh. Shes like 44


She used to be a country singer, so you just know she's a racist. Also, she was completely silent politically throughout 2016. Never spoke out against him.

lol this shits just retarded.

>So let’s say you have a girlfriend who’s wildly aroused at being tied down and taken advantage of.

Tough titties. She can go find some other fool to explore those illegal activities. I'll never put myself in a position where a girl can have me locked up.

who gives a fuck
she probably wrote those edgy lyrics to get a reaction. it's how they stay relevant. controversy = money

Right? It's like she thinks being silent is going to fool anyone. Her silence was practically an endorsement.

Tfw I fuck your girl for you because you wouldn't play with ropes.

A girl like that would never be my girl.

>Implying bitches don't keep their fantasies secret at first

Describe your ideal mate, user.

>implying you're an authority to whom I must answer.

They shouldn't be listening to either, that's the entire point.

So you'll be single forever? Every single woman wants to be raped m8.


sorry. I mean ANTIFA is shit

Id rather listen to Rap, that way I dont hear anything offensive...snark...lol...lmao...etc...

If you're not antifa, you're a racist, and all racists should be shot.

There is no middle ground here.

Good. I hope they raise a shit storm and turn millions of teenage girls against them and who express their support for Taylor Swift by exploring their darker fantasies with their boyfriends.

underage b&

No, I can hate racism and you guys equally. It’s not that difficult.

Wouldn't that make you racist which in turn means you should shoot yourself?
Also Im comfortable with myself enough to know I dont need to defend myself. However Id like to let you know I primarily date outside my race because Puerto ricans and White people are kind of boring. But hey have your shit views

Webm related, when Taylor fantasizes about being raped she looks like dis

I would butt fuck her in to a coma. Then butt fuck her more

but you're wrong about hating racism

I think she's more likely to rape someone else, besides most pop singers don't write their own shit anyways.

anyone have her nudes


First off, you're playing her game by making a big deal about it all. She wants the attention and controversy so she can play the victim card. By being talked about she gains more exposure/importance in society thus making money. It's not unlike the Kardashians. She just happens be talented at something unlike them. Anyways she hasn't been talked about much this year so I guess this shit is overdue.

My opinion. People will say she's advocating violence/dominance over women. She'll counter with sexual liberation of women and to let them do what they want. If she's lucky she'll find a nemesis for a couple months.