Be addicted to weed

>be addicted to weed
>lost connection with dealer
>live in state where its illegal

wat do? b

go up to people and ask where to get it fucking doug

Buy it online
Ask anyone in with dreadlocks
Go to a bar/park/college/any public place and see if someone smells like weed

Find new dealers, dumb ass.

find people who smoke, surely they are around

be creative, or just use the deepweb to order hash

Why F You have only one connection always get two to three contacts and use them in rotation

This go to a skatepark bar or fucking college campus. Only have medical in my state and still have strangers try to sell to me outside of fucking circle k. Seriously shouldn’t be hard. Or just read some fucking books. It’s not meth bro

just sit around and let yourself get unaddicted

What state?

>jorge cervantes ultimate grow

Agreed. Do literally anything that consumes time if you’re too beta to ask strangers. 3 weeks sober rn and it’s honestly not hard just boring. Just play some vidya read or clean. Anything productive honestly. Do anything besides be lazy pos

Go to a train station and find a group of black people asks one of them "Ay fam, got some loud?" Boom done

this is actually my 3rd week and i am contemplating rather if i should just straight up stop and try to fix my brain but another side of me says that i will end up going off the deep end if i do not satisfy my habits. could you mabey list some benefits for being sober ?

Drive to legal state. Buy weed.


Honestly a lot more energy more desire to do stuff. Being sober also makes me enjoy weed more I usually go through phases where I smoke and then stop for a couple months. More productive and you eat less plus you have more money. Smoking weed isn’t totally cancerous for your lifestyle but it’s important to keep in touch with your sober self. Also I dream a lot now and actually remember them which is more important than I remembered it being.

Legit though use the Dark net shits useful

how do i deepweb/ acess silk roads anyone?

Ive actually thought about it like this recently like hey you know what at the end of the day Just consider it as a T-break and when i finally re up my tolerance will just be lower than usual and its aight

YouTube it dumbass.

Anyone got a hookup in NY.

There's ''always'' an easy way to find weed dealers anons, pretty much no matter where you are.
Go to a fucking concert and ask to buy some from the people smoking. 90% of concerts are going to have at least a few people lighting up in or outside the show. Just track them down and ask what's up. Obviously don't dress like an autist or a cop, and first ask to hit it before asking what's up, otherwise you'll pull a fellow stoners.